9 Dec...ya..well I will always probably do nude pics or webcam.. But from video ya I will be retiring beginning next yr!
9 Dec...I will still do some things like webcam and stuff for a while but after I graduate in spring,I think
18 Dec...Going out for a little.. School in the am so can't be out too late! Moving on finally! 2011 starting fresh
3 I grad end of April/beginning may
8 Apr...I am getting back on cam now
19 Apr... no Just finishing school... I'll be back in a few months
20 Apr... no prob not,.. I'm only coming back till the end of the yr then back to cam only
3 May... I still shoot ... Just haven't very much cause of school.
3 May...In the valley running errands.. Can't wait to shoot back to full time in beg/ mid june
3 I'm graduating.. I'll probably go back to school part time in the fall... Not full time like this last yr though
maybe she has not quit, but now she still busy with school .. so during school she only doing making photos, cam and stuff like that.
there is a chance she will quit this year ... when? we do not know .. we wait for the official announcement from Jessica Lynn
anything can still change ... so the best source is from Jessica Lynn twitter ... keep updating