Jessica Jaymes totally looks like my sister...

I have NEVER heard that one before and that is VERY interesting, but I can't read the blog because the link was deleted (hint, hint... pm... also while you're at it can you pm me a picture of yourself sans onerous clothing?




The winter thingy I mean, I always suspected it. They're probably in league with the weathermen who almost always make it rain when I have to be outside for long periods of time

Now that I think of it,

I wouldn't mind the pictures either :tongue:


Closed Account
My sister is those self-centered corporate type person that can never keep a stable relationship. She is in graduate school and she broke up with her last boyfriend because he doesn't believe in women paying for dinner.

I'm gonna try and be as nice as possible...

No one cares.

We just want to see a picture of her so we can see if she really does look like Jessica Jaymes or not.
All i am saying on this situation is if he wants to show a pic of his sister thats fine but i am not beleving it till i see a picture of her weather he shows us a pic or not
Don't post a pic of your sister if she doesn't know about it....

Just email it to me with her email addy :)


This is one silly thread :1orglaugh
My sister looks kind of like Dani Woodward, but that's ok because I don't think Dani Woodward is that hot. :D

Jessica Jaymes though, she's FUCKING gorgeous. :lovecoupl

Oh, and don't hold out on those pictures, boys. The original poster has 49 posts in 2 1/2 years and hasn't posted for 5 months. ;)