Jesse Jackson gets his Escalade stripped in Detroit


Add Jesse Jackson’s ride to prominent vehicles being stripped in Detroit.

Following the embarrassing news that Mayor Dave Bing’s GMC Yukon was hijacked by criminals this week, Detroit’s Channel 7 reports that the Reverend’s Caddy Escalade SUV was stolen and stripped of its wheels while he was in town last weekend with the UAW’s militant President Bob King leading the “Jobs, Justice, and Peace” march promoting government-funded green jobs.

Read that again: Jackson’s Caddy SUV was stripped while he was in town promoting green jobs.

Add Jesse to the Al Gore-Tom Friedman-Barack Obama School of Environmental Hypocrisy. While preaching to Americans that they need to cram their families into hybrid Priuses to go shopping for compact fluorescent light bulbs to save the planet, they themselves continue to live large.

“We need an economy that creates employment that can't be shipped overseas,” the Green Rev wrote for CNN about the march. “Home-grown American labor will be installing windmills and solar panels. A green economy is not an abstract concept.”

Well, its certainly abstract to Jesse, but I digress.

“Even now, the only sector of the economy that has seen job growth during the recession is the green job sector. Time is of the essence.”

Actually, time long ago passed Detroit by because Jesse’ favored government mpg mandates and UAW wages stripped the Big Three’s ability to compete against non-union transplants. These jobs were real – unlike the artificial, government subsidized green jobs he shakes down the feds for today.

Real jobs produced big, profitable SUVs like the one Jesse prefers to ride in. His SUV has been stripped by thugs – a fitting metaphor for what Jesse and his pals have done to the auto industry for the last 35 years.
What the hell did he think was going to happen when you leave a Escalade unattended in Detroit? Its also funny that he's promoting green jobs in a SUV.

Ace Bandage

The one and only.
Awesome. This guy and the Reverend Al Sharpton are both despicable. They're likely to be on the scene any time anyone of color is supposedly being marginalized. The world would be better off without both of them.
Probably white guys stole them, huh, Rev?

Oh, wait, if not, then are you going to protest?

He'll run a crusade against whites are evil if that is the case. If not he will hold a peace conference explaining how he is glad to have helped out the poor unfortunate blacks in America who are put down by the white man by "giving" his Escalade away in a strip for charity gathering. Stripping down his vehicle is a metaphor for stripping out of the chains and bondage from the white man's pollution machine called society.

Was the Escalade's color at least green?
haha This is fuckin awesome!!!


The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
What was he thinking? Hasn't he heard of all those dastardly whites roaming the streets of Detroit?
This guy, along with Sharpton, Palin, Limbaugh, and a few other wankers just need to get dropped from the news altogether. Then they'll stop having a platform and we can all just pretend they don't exist.


Postal Paranoiac
Hey! It didn't happen in East Lansing!:facepalm:
Don't be silly guys, no need to pull the race card 'whites' thing into it. ITS DETROIT there are escalades everywhere with giant rims. His was probably just one of the unlucky few...why the hell didn't he get a locked parking spot?
hes flippin jesse jackson...!?

I wonder how the fuck is he getting back to Chicago? :dunno:
