Jennifer Hawkins

Re: Jennifer Hawkins poses nude and unairbrushed

I prefer the natural to the 'cosmetically correct'.

Plus, I don't care for someone else making decisions on my behalf as to what looks nice. That crease on her hip that they mentioned looks great, if some doofus thought it should have been removed, that would annoy me.
Re: Jennifer Hawkins poses nude and unairbrushed

I prefer the natural to the 'cosmetically correct'.

Plus, I don't care for someone else making decisions on my behalf as to what looks nice. That crease on her hip that they mentioned looks great, if some doofus thought it should have been removed, that would annoy me.

I completely agree. That's why I could never get into Playboy or Maxim type magazines.
Re: Jennifer Hawkins poses nude and unairbrushed

Hmm, I know what you're saying, not everyone is going to be Aphrodite but I think maybe in this case that is just a bad photo, the other one looks professionally taken. Very flat lighting, face on, nothing done with hair, drab attire etc.
Re: Jennifer Hawkins poses nude and unairbrushed

The majority of the most attractive people in the industry are the ones that can still look good with little to no makeup on.


what the fuck you lookin at?
Re: Jennifer Hawkins poses nude and unairbrushed

she looks fantastic! I think all the models/celebs/pornstars should do something similar. That way we could pick who was truely the most beautiful instead of who has the best paint job...