
Postal Paranoiac
The crap came from Aniston's camp. On the set of the movie they're both in. HERE. Controversy HERE. Of course Aniston's reps deny it.
Jennifer Aniston - Vogue Magazine Cover (December 2008)
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Jennifer Aniston is hotter than Angelina Jolie IMO. I guess I am in the minority who believe that. Angelina almost looks hagardly.

that makes two of us ... even if jen loses weight, she would still look gorgeous, but not angelina ...:eek:
Bullshit! They're both hot. There's nothing haggard about Angelina Jolie. Aniston is hot. AngeLina Is hot, and she's a freak. You know she'll do all kinds of kinky shit. I just can't picture Jennifer Aniston eating out another chick while you're fucking her in the ass. OK, I can picture it, because I have pictured it, but I can't see her actually doing it. I think Jolie would find that pretty tame.

Brad Pitt's a fucking genius. If you could fuck Jennifer Aniston for a while, and then move on to Angelina Jolie...who the fuck wouldn't do that???? :dunno:
^^ Yea. That's the only thing about Jennifer. I can't really picture her doing that. I guess I find it easier to imagine Angelina doing it. Still Jen would be better. Just don't see what is so great about angelina. I guess it's because I am in the 20 year old generation.
Just don't see what is so great about angelina. I guess it's because I am in the 20 year old generation.

What the fuck is that supposed to mean? You do realize that Jennifer Aniston (Feb. 11, 1969) is more than 6 years older than Angelina Jolie (June 4, 1975), right??