Jenni Lee / Jenny Lee / Stephanie Sadorra

Sad to say it, but she is quitting again. :crying: :crying: :crying:

PureMature was her 2nd to last scene. (one other scene was released after that one (RWS), so she might be out already).

Source : Her own website.
Sad to say it, but she is quitting again. :crying: :crying: :crying:

PureMature was her 2nd to last scene. (one other scene was released after that one (RWS), so she might be out already).

Source : Her own website.


Looks like I will have to find a new porn star to put on my avatar and signature.
hot !!
:crying:That's a crying shame - Jenni has never been hotter than in her past few vids. And there's no-one else even remotely like her...