Jenna Jameson: The Movie?

I used to like Jenna when I was younger so I would like to see this just for kicks and I'm going to go with Lohan too, she would work.


are you talking to me?
Jenna Jameson's bio in movie

just read that there's a movie coming out based on the porn actress' life story as presented in her book: How to Make Love Like a Porn Star: A Cautionary Tale.

anyone has more info about it? which actor do you think would fit the role of Jenna?
Re: Jenna Jameson's bio in movie

All the newspaper said Scarlette Johansson is going to play as Jenna Jameson but it also say Scarlette refuse to be naked...

Scarlett Johansson's people said that she has never been approached by anyone and has not even seen a script. That being said she would still NOT ever consider playing the part.

Besides I bet Paris Hilton could play Jenna now they both look fucking cracked out and we know Paris has no problem with sex on camera.


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
Re: Jenna Jameson's bio in movie

Don't say it or it MIGHT happen!!!:eek:



are you talking to me?
Re: Jenna Jameson's bio in movie

if Paris Hilton gets such a role, i don't think the movie will get any high ticket sales
Re: Jenna Jameson's bio in movie

whether or not paris hilton gets the role, i aint watching. boogie nights is a good movie about(or so they dont say, bit it is about john holmes. just a few details were changed) but thats all the porn stories i want to see.
Re: Jenna Jameson's bio in movie

What serious actress will take the part of playing a real life pornstar?


They just don't want to be even linked to the business really most of them. As they seem to think that it will damage their careers to much. Another problem for this film will be the amount of nudity and sexual simulation it's going to involve. So you can really rule out most of your A and B list actresses. Which means your going to end up with a Paris Hilton or such want to be, never going to be actress.

My personal opinion on the whole project. I don't really want to watch a film about a pornstar who's never IMO done anything special. I much rather watch a film with some meaning like someone who's really had a battle. Something like a persons battle against cancer or such serious illness. Like the lady in Britain, sorry name escapes me at the minute. But she's got cancer and for the last few years has done various marathons to raise money for cancer. Half the days she doesn't even feel well enough to train or even is unable too. But she still does and still runs. That is a story.

I do like pornstars and admire them for the courage in what they do, but a film on ones life to the age of 33 :sleep: Bit like reading a life biography of these 21 year old sportstars, boring they've done nothing and real no life. Now if she reaches say 70 and achives things after porn or fights against some terminal illness then yes make a film. But at the moment I'll personally give it a miss no matter who's in it.

But wouldn't Traci Lords story be more interesting?

Nearly destroyed the porn industry. Then had a fight to become a serious actress. Which she still doing.
Re: Jenna Jameson's bio in movie

i read the book i am sure the movie wiil be quite edited. if paris hilton plays the role why would anyone go seei t

dick van cock

Closed Account
Re: Jenna Jameson's bio in movie

Why don't they do it as an animated movie???

They could use Giacometti statuettes posing as Jenna and her folks





are you talking to me?
Re: Jenna Jameson's bio in movie

I do like pornstars and admire them for the courage in what they do, but a film on ones life to the age of 33 :sleep: Bit like reading a life biography of these 21 year old sportstars, boring they've done nothing and real no life. Now if she reaches say 70 and achives things after porn or fights against some terminal illness then yes make a film. But at the moment I'll personally give it a miss no matter who's in it.

good point
yea i bet alot of porn fans would not go see it.. anybody know if it is in the works? i'd rather see hugh heffner's movie on his life.