Jenna Jameson Movie (Can not remember title)

I'm looking for a specific movie by Jenna Jameson though I can't remember what the title was. I remember it contained a scene in a hotel room, a scene in an elevator, a scene in an office, then a scene in the same hotel room again. Sadly I got a computer virus yesterday and had to reformat, losing all my files. If anyone knows what movie I'm talking about could you please post the title for me? Cheers. :glugglug:
I'm not sure, all i can remember is those 4 scenes. I'll look that one up though, thanks.

EDIT: Just looked it up on and it says there's a group scene at the end, i can't remember that taking place.
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Wodecki said:
Isn't it "Jenna's Revenge"??

I don;t think so. Jenna's Revenge has scenes in a bar, a car park, a poolside and a couple set in a sitting room. No offices from wjat I can remember.

How about Wicked Weapon? There's a scene with Brad Armstrong and Jenna in an office.
The only scene jenna does in an office in this movie is girl on girl, so i don't think so.
pinguin said:
The only scene jenna does in an office in this movie is girl on girl, so i don't think so.

The only time I can find Jenna reviewed with the word "elevator" is in Lip Service - could it be this?
Nope it was the other girl, a brunette, who did the elevator scene and the first hotel room scene. Jenna did a lesbian scene in an office then a scene at the end in the same hotel room that was in the first scene. If i remember correctly they kept referring to her at "Mariah" or something.