Location: San Fernando Valley, C

So... Did y'all hear? I have to get new boobs. I'm so depressed about it.
I woke up this morning with a deflated boob. It's not a common thing, but not unheard of to 'spring a leak'. I haven't done anything strenuous in the past couple of days, and, if a bag does leak, it only take 24 hours to deflate completely. And they say that it takes A LOT to cause it, like a car accident! So... WIERD!!! Luckily, they're saline so my body will just absorb the 400ccs of salt water so I'm not in any trouble with my health. I have an appt with my doc on Monday to go over my options, but I will be having surgery within a week or two. SUCKS!!! And, no, I'm not going bigger... Just fixing them.