Jay Mariotti Arrested for Felony Domestic Abuse


Hiliary 2020
i don't know who he is but before everyone starts calling him a scumbag keep in mind that because of a law passed by serial groper clinton in 94 the police must arrest a man if his wife or gf says " he hit me".
no evidence required until the court datem and until then youre outdoors you know.
i don't know who he is but before everyone starts calling him a scumbag keep in mind that because of a law passed by serial groper clinton in 94 the police must arrest a man if his wife or gf says " he hit me".
no evidence required until the court date.

I'm from Chicago so I know who he is but if your from here most likely you dont know who he is.

Ace Bandage

The one and only.
I'm from Chicago so I know who he is but if your from here most likely you dont know who he is.

He's on Around the Horn all the time. He's also a gigantic douche and a White Sox fan. Fuck him.


Lord Dipstick
He's on Around the Horn all the time. He's also a gigantic douche and a White Sox fan. Fuck him.

Somewhere Woody Paige is laughing his ass off....:D
He's always on ATH. I watch that frequently. He also writes a rather nice column for I think ESPN.com. A bit of a hothead but some of his columns are rather well written and many times I agree with what he has to say - at least regarding all the criminals in sports today when he tears them a new asshole. :D He really gave it to Tiger when he wrote about him.
He's always on ATH. I watch that frequently. He also writes a rather nice column for I think ESPN.com. A bit of a hothead but some of his columns are rather well written and many times I agree with what he has to say - at least regarding all the criminals in sports today when he tears them a new asshole. :D He really gave it to Tiger when he wrote about him.

He was hated here in Chicago.
RE: Woody/Jay
Actually, no. They're BFFs in real life.

I record Around the Horn everyday. I heart Tony Reali (in a manly, hetero way, of course).

I think it's the best thing on ESPN and this news, while Mariotti is innocent until proven guilty, right?, saddens me, because no matter what, Mariotti will never appear on Around the Horn again.

I like Mariotti, Blackistone, Plashke and Andande.

I don't normally agree with Woody or Cowlishaw.

Mariotti was the voice of the jaded, cynical sports guy...who will replace him on ATH ? :crying:
Mariotti was not the worst Chicago sports guy...

that goes to Gene Wojic....:sleep: He's so dull I can't finish his name...

Ace Bandage

The one and only.
^^ ATH was ten times better with Kellerman as the host. Stat Boy is a douche. Paige, Plaschke, and Mariotti make the show unwatchable. Give me PTI with Tony and Wilbon (my boy) over that any day.


Lord Dipstick
^^ ATH was ten times better with Kellerman as the host. Stat Boy is a douche. Paige, Plaschke, and Mariotti make the show unwatchable. Give me PTI with Tony and Wilbon (my boy) over that any day.

Co-sign all of this ^....except for Tim Cowlishaw, Michael Smith and J.A. Adande on ATH. I think they have excellent opinions!:2 cents:
Plashke is a Libbertoonian on the show. I'm surprised you, Andro, don't agree with him. Paige is a clown, but I like his props and the blackboard.

Max Kellerman...:rofl: Yeah, he sure parlayed his ATH stint to great things in the sporting world :rofl: I respect Max Kellerman as a Boxing Historian/Commentator, but not much else...:dunno:

Pardon the Interruption...:sleep: unless Dan BAM! LeBetard is filling in for Kornholio...


I am a failure to the Korean side of my family
He switched to his alter ego Naughty Mariotti
I wonder what the disembodied voice has to say about this clown...


I never liked Mariotti, and I hope to never see his White Sox ass kissing, douchebag, Fredo-fuckin' face again. Good riddance.

Rico Shades

Approved Content Owner
Approved Content Owner
Wow didn't know loud mouth Mariotti got pinched. He was awesome on ATH. You know Ozzie Guillen is somewhere laughing his ass off.
I like Mariotti, Blackistone, Plashke and Andande.

Those guys are terrible. Especially Blackistone and Plaschke. At least Woody knows he's an idiot. Fuck Tennessee. Cowlishaw is the one guy I can tolerate on that show.

^^ ATH was ten times better with Kellerman as the host. Stat Boy is a douche. Paige, Plaschke, and Mariotti make the show unwatchable. Give me PTI with Tony and Wilbon (my boy) over that any day.

Lol I wish they still called him Stat Boy, or as Mariotti would say, Stat Face, on PTI . That shows is 500 times better than ATH . I kinda like a little Le Batard here and there. But every single day he gets real old.
:facepalm: for all of those takes..

PTI frackin' blows. Wilbon is a whiny bitch and Kornholio is a sadsack who simply likes to hear himself talk. He's playing pocket pool under his desk half the time.

I really would not mind if PTI got canceled. I seriously can't decide who's more grating on my nerves--Kornholio or Colin Cowherd :facepalm:

Getting back to Mariotti....I guess it's convenient or shitty that ATH is off the air this week :dunno: :mad:

I caught a pic of Mariott's hottie. Doesn't have big tits like I expected her to have, but she's definitely a nice piece of tail.

Atleast Mariotti won't be getting shit for poor taste...

Ace Bandage

The one and only.
PTI > SportsNation > Jim Rome > ATH