i don't know who he is but before everyone starts calling him a scumbag keep in mind that because of a law passed by serial groper clinton in 94 the police must arrest a man if his wife or gf says " he hit me".
no evidence required until the court date.
I'm from Chicago so I know who he is but if your from here most likely you dont know who he is.
I'm from Chicago so I know who he is but if your from here most likely you dont know who he is.
He's on Around the Horn all the time. He's also a gigantic douche and a White Sox fan. Fuck him.
He's always on ATH. I watch that frequently. He also writes a rather nice column for I think ESPN.com. A bit of a hothead but some of his columns are rather well written and many times I agree with what he has to say - at least regarding all the criminals in sports today when he tears them a new asshole.He really gave it to Tiger when he wrote about him.
^^ ATH was ten times better with Kellerman as the host. Stat Boy is a douche. Paige, Plaschke, and Mariotti make the show unwatchable. Give me PTI with Tony and Wilbon (my boy) over that any day.
I like Mariotti, Blackistone, Plashke and Andande.
^^ ATH was ten times better with Kellerman as the host. Stat Boy is a douche. Paige, Plaschke, and Mariotti make the show unwatchable. Give me PTI with Tony and Wilbon (my boy) over that any day.