Jaws VS. Shamu


My Penis Is Dancing!
I don't think we give Orca enough credit. Not only are they very bright creatures, but also seem quite fond and fascinated with humans.
After showing off to these folks for a little bit, I think mom took the shark's brush against the boat - as well as its swim towards her and her kid - to be stepping over the line. I think one gentleman's assessment that it was like a cat showing it's owner a mouse was very apt.
Nice post.

I've always had a fascination with Sharks and this is just incredible. Also, the way Killer Whales strategically hunt sting rays was also amazing to see.
So the opening scene of Jaws 2 was nothing but a big fat lie??

See Orca told the truth! :1orglaugh actaully i love Orca.

Anyways, great post. i been fascinated by sharks since I saw Jaws as a child. And, this video is just amazing. it just reminds us not to fuck w/ Killer whales.


Moving to a trailer in Fife, AL.
Wow, knew that orcas were top dogs, but didn't realize they could disable and kill a great white so quickly. That orca knew what to do, how to do it and wasted no time. There is a book about the great whites off some islands off San Francisco called "The Devil's Teeth". Good read, not exciting, but good.
There is a book about the great whites off some islands off San Francisco called "The Devil's Teeth".

No, those islands are actually called the Farallones. :tongue:


I am a failure to the Korean side of my family
Hmmm both have a tendency to hunt in packs, but Great Whites usually strike from the bottom to the top, whereas a Killer Whale goes straight for you. Maybe that tv show Deadliest Warrior should cash in on this.