Bad ass Jason Stathom. He actually knows all that kungfu shit.
Haha, I do own the second and 3rd Transporter films on Blu-Ray. As a writer and executive produced, Luc Besson (Nakita, The Fifth Element and Leon: The Professional) is pretty much a hack if ya ask me, especially since years ago I imported the Taxi movies and thought they were boring and immdiately sold them off (I'm a big french film lover), but the Transporter movies, even if the character is always oddly enough breaking his own rules are good enough, dumb fun. If you have a nice LED TV set as I got two months ago, and I do hate to brag, but also a BluRay home theater system, the Blu-Rays I wanted to say (especially the last film that came out with him romancing an oddly beautiful ginger-haired Ukrainian chick who appears to be nearly twelve years his junior, oddly enough), then the sound mixes and the image quality are of the top of the studio released overly big budgeted/mainstream movies that will blow you away (as it's meant to).
Like I said they are dumb fun. High art? No. But they're fine enough, alpha-male addreline fuiled films. The 3rd inparticular has grown on me after watching it again for a 3rd time. Certainly nothing I'll be watching every month, but it's always good to have on my Best Buy bought shelves for a Friday or Saturday night in which I fire up my theater-style popcorn maker I got off Amazon last year, and invite some friends into my tiny den for a movie night starting around 7 after dinner.

It's consistant mainstream b-movie style entertainment that is under 100minutes I believe, and that is good enough for me.