The Janine my wife and I have watched dance at clubs and perform in movies would have never looked this out of shape. I know she is getting older, and I know that some stars are putting on pounds, but the flab and so fourth seen here is out of hand. It's just laziness. She is not even TRYING to keep it tight at this point. And don't come at me with pitty for her - she is a porn star - her job is to look at good as she can and she is not doing her job well anymore.
We hung in there through all the tattoos, the scene with Vaniity (which wasn't even well done), her legal troubles, her trouble as a parent, and her marriage to an ex-con looser. This flabby version of Janine is the straw that breaks my back. If I sound bitter, I am. My wife really dug this chick and WANTED to watch porn with me for her. After all the BS she goes through - and these photos - she can even look at Janine anymore. And I agree, it's sorta gross.
Sorry JL, it seems you want to be as self destructive as possible and we gotta pull the rip cord. When chicks stop thinking the hottest girls in porn are no longer hot, it's time to move on.