Jana Mrazkova / Tereza Ilova / Britney Lightspeed

Any news on her Woodman casting?

From Woodman website forum:

Re: Jana Mrazkova
Postby guga1969 » Sun Jan 04, 2015 2:13 am

Hello Pierre,

Just keeping the dream alive. It's been 2.5 years...Any news on Jana agreeing to let you show her appearance? I'm sure it would be a nice paycheck to her earnings.
If not, how bout another pic?
One can only wish.

Always hopeful


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Joined: Sun Jan 04, 2015 1:53 am
Re: Jana Mrazkova
Postby PIERRE WOODMAN » Sun Jan 04, 2015 2:16 am

No sorry, it will stay like that ...
She's a mother now, I let her do her life !!!

Moi je suis CHARLIE - BIDO et nos politiciens, eux, sont CHARLIE - BIDONS !!!

So yeah, the HC video do exist, he just refueses to release it
BTW, her casting picture just to prove it really happened.


I did some digging with this image and I have found castings with other girls done on the exact same sofa and in the exact same room with that distinctive wallpaper, perhaps it is somewhere on the net? Or maybe buried somewhere in a pile of unsorted casting videos being shared around the net?

Get digging gentlemen.
Update on my digging:

The castings done in that room were used in at least two series of videos, one released by Woodman himself as "Private Castings" 1998 - 2003 and the other released by Hustler as "Hustler Casting Couch X" 2002 - 2005.

The sofa and the wallpaper is clearly visible in the room, the location is Prague, the year is around 2002 when Jana's casting took place. The casting videos were also used in other video series released by Woodman, although just occasionally, and more like a 'space filler'.

He says now that he does not want to release the video because she is a mother now and so on. That's fine, but I am pretty sure he has released that video at the time, around or after 2002. Back then she was an aspiring adult model and did hardcore sessions as her picture sets are easily available on the web.
Good detective work. Yeah I was wondering if someone could find out when the casting took place because that would be indicative if she did hardcore or not in it. If it was early like you said then yeah probably so. Will be a great day when it is released.
Jana is doing hardcore in of drunk sex orgy episodes from 2008...


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