i'm disturbed by this for a couple of reasons. i abhor any "man" who would do violence to a woman, sexual violence in particular. i've dealt with women who have been assaulted and abused and it makes my blood boil to even hear about it. having said that, i'm uneasy about the idea of social media being the judge, jury and executioner of anyone. "because i said so" isn't proof beyond a reasonable doubt and, as we all know, once something is said on social media, it can't get unsaid. don't get me wrong, i read stoya's blog and i get that being in the industry and/or a "sex worker" means that things are more difficult, but i'm a person who wakes up every day guilty until proven innocent because of the color of my skin, so i value due process very highly. what is becoming clear to me is that something in the porn industry needs to change, but that change has to be initiated by those in the industry. if deen did these things then the other people on set need to come forward and speak up. though i'm sure, like most every industry, porn is male dominated but without the women porn would die. as supportive as they are being towards one another on twitter and facebook, why aren't women becoming more of a force to prevent predators from exploiting the industry to troll for victims? at the end of the day, if deen is guilty then his ass should go under the jail, but to excoriate him on twitter (which has no repercussions for him other than embarrassment and defamation, he stands to do no jail time nor any legal liability) and that's it doesn't make sense to me. is this a new form of vigilante justice?