Jada Fire or Havana Ginger

it's fucking interesting how people trying to look smart in a fucking pornographic forum where you should just have fun. the person who started this thread probably just bored and never thought you will be such jerks... i mean give me a break, if you are that smart and want real subjects to discuss this is definitely the last forum. but what forum could provide this much threads to flame and troll? none. so you stay here and keep thinking you are so brilliant and sarcastic and whatever....

try this http://forums.philosophyforums.com/

or this if you like http://www.politicsforum.org/

this is a pornographic forum. period.

havana ginger by the way. jada is a bit too black for me and she has some sort of masculine aura about her, maybe because she almost never smiles.
How are these threads planned out, are the names in a hat, a random name generator, pulled out of your ass? Help me out. I wanna know why model A is pitted against model B time and time again and why anyone elses views on the board make a damn bit of difference.

If it turns out we like model A more, will you stop jacking off to model B?

Isn't it pretty simple, most people are interested in comparisons between two or more similar things. I mean, does that have to be explained when it's done all the time in almost all aspects of life.

Mac vs PC, Ford vs Chevy, plasma vs LCD, Ginger vs Mary Ann, etc......

What isn't compared??


The One and Only Big Daddy
When I started this tread I was new to the board and I did not use the search feature it is nice to know that this tread is still around and is still bring used :thumbsup:
that's a good one, i've seen vids and pics of both of them, they're both very hot, i'll have to choose for Havana, she has the same hot body as Jada, but i love Havana's face.
Me Too, Jada brings my Fire up.Havana Ginger is really hot but Jada Fire is nastier, and i love watch doing her things like squirting or anal.She is filthy and i love that.
Havana all the way on the sheer fact that the opportunity for a twin sister threesome present.

They both do anal. They both squirt. It's a toss up on looks, but Savana Ginger is the determining factor for me. 2 for1 wins out.
