Jackass 3D!!

so you may or may not know MTV is making Jackass 3D with a premier date of the 15th of October this year!!!

as a little bit of fun heres a great facebook page that gives the latest news on the up comming film :nanner:

thats the facebook page!!

so what do you think?

awesome Jackass 3D!!

ho shit!!! not more of this.

or what the hell, its in 3D?????

hope to see you there!!
Hasnt Jackass had its day?

I never watched it, though I was introduced to it by a friend briefly. I fail to see the distinction between what these guys do and what I can see on the discovery channel during a show called "monkey life".

Just because we get to see it in 3D now hardly makes it any more enjoyable.
I stick to the old shows on MTV2 if I want to partake in it. I don't think I want to see this film since most the time these guys are in speedos and bouncing their junk all over the place. Why would I want to see that in 3D?
Aside from shoving shit up their asses the movies were funny as hell. I rarely laugh, and when I went to go see it with my ex at the Mall of America, Number Two had me (and everyone else in the theatre) rollin' my ass off. I hope they come out with number 3.
Now you would have thought such fine upstanding gentlemen would have found gainful employment elsewhere by now off of the fame they surprisingly garnered from their experiences with this concept previously? You would also think that they would not have to lower themselves by leaping into the same trash again in order to subsidise their collective lifestyles for a few more years. Although when your only discernible skill is that you can hurt yourself on camera and laugh about it (and jeez, nobody can do that), it's not that hard to figure out why they all might want the chance to return for one last chance to milk this now rotting cow for whatever pay check they can garner for it.

And it's in 3D . . . how exciting!!!

I guess knoxville's "acting" career didn't work out as well as he hoped it would... :1orglaugh
I stick to the old shows on MTV2 if I want to partake in it. I don't think I want to see this film since most the time these guys are in speedos and bouncing their junk all over the place. Why would I want to see that in 3D?

I agree, the older stuff is funnier IMO. Now when I see a new Jackass movie or special on TV I can hardly watch it. Its just a bunch of guys in their 30s and 40s running around naked acting like idiots. And while I underdstand the humor and entertainment value in that, I think it was funnier when they were in their earlier days. To see a bunch of 30 and 40 year old guys acting the way they do is just silly.

Bams wife naked makes me still want to watch it :p

Shit, I didn't know she posed nude. nice. still probably won't see the movie because A) she won't be in it and definitely not nude and B) I'm no longer 15 or 16 (whenever it first started up) and can just watch similar acts on youtube