PETA wishes Obama hadn't swatted that fly
15 hours ago
WASHINGTON (AP) — The group People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals wants the flyswatter in chief to try taking a more humane attitude the next time he's bedeviled by a fly in the White House.
PETA is sending President Barack Obama a Katcha Bug Humane Bug Catcher, a device that allows users to trap a house fly and then release it outside.
"We support compassion even for the most curious, smallest and least sympathetic animals," PETA spokesman Bruce Friedrich said Wednesday. "We believe that people, where they can be compassionate, should be, for all animals."
During an interview for CNBC at the White House on Tuesday, a fly intruded on Obama's conversation with correspondent John Harwood.
"Get out of here," the president told the pesky insect. When it didn't, he waited for the fly to settle, put his hand up and then smacked it dead.
"Now, where were we?" Obama asked Harwood. Then he added: "That was pretty impressive, wasn't it? I got the sucker."
Friedrich said that PETA was pleased with Obama's voting record in the Senate on behalf of animal rights and noted that he has been outspoken against animal abuses.
Still, "swatting a fly on TV indicates he's not perfect," Friedrich said, "and we're happy to say that we wish he hadn't."
PETA is sending President Barack Obama a Katcha Bug Humane Bug Catcher, a device that allows users to trap a house fly and then release it outside.
Damn! I need to have Obama over whenever a fly annoys me in the summer! LOL!
Oh god, people are complaining!?! :wtf:
Seriously, there was nothing more important going on at the time in the animal world? Tigers are soon to be extinct, Polar Bears too, we have plenty of flies they arent going to run out anytime soon. If you really care about animals, go blockade some poachers in Africa. Dont just pick something off the news and bitch about it.
Peta is a bunch of whackos lol.As you say there are important issues regarding animals but wearing leather or fur from animals bred for that isn't one of them.Poaching endangered species is important ,creating an enviorment with mans impact that makes animals endangered including humans at some point is very important.Peta is against fishing ,fly swatting etc etc etc lol.We just need to be smart about our management of animal resources so that they survive for us to use and appreciate long term.We are part of the same enviorment and if they can't survive and we loose them it will not be a good thing for us,which is the point IMO to conservation.
Your not going to hear about it now because the headlines are going to be about him killing a fly .... well done.
I say we go out and nuke all the flies in the world, that was an attack on America. Damn biological warfare.