It's Murder! (Repubs Dickin' the Dems in the Sphincter, 11-2010)

"This election is entirely about him (Obama) and this big majority in Congress and what they've been doing for the last two years," Senate Republican leader Mitch McConnell of Kentucky said.

For example, in Virginia — a state Obama won in 2008 — two House Democrats who voted for his stimulus plan went down to defeat.

Rick Boucher, who was first elected in 1982, and freshman Tom Perriello, for whom Obama campaigned in Charlottesville last week, both lost. Boucher also voted against the president's health care overhaul, while Perriello voted for it.

Most popular Updated 8 minutes ago 11/3/2010 1:27:35 AM +00:00 Republicans to take control of House, NBC projects Reports: Bret Michaels, Miley's mom had affair Steals and Deals: Buy items up to 93 percent off With friends like Evan Bayh... Indiana Tea party abandons principles to make statement Early data from pollsters' interviews with voters
as they left their polling places appeared to confirm that the economy remains the No. 1 concern of American voters.

That looked like it would favor the Republicans, as a relatively high 41 percent of voters identified themselves as conservatives. A fifth called themselves liberals, and two-fifths identified themselves as moderates. Overall, the interviews found deep disenchantment both with Congress and with Obama: 73 percent of voters disapproved of Congress and 54 percent disapproved of the job Obama is doing as president.

Exit polls show more conservative electorate

Democrats make eleventh-hour push
His campaign travels over, Obama taped interviews with radio hosts in Milwaukee, Cincinnati, Philadelphia, Honolulu and Miami, as well as one with Ryan Seacrest of "American Idol" for his national radio show, all for broadcast Tuesday. In one he pulled back from earlier remarks calling Republicans "enemies" of Hispanics. As Americans voted, the president furiously worked the phones to urban-format radio stations, arguing that his agenda would be "all at risk" if Republicans trampled Democrats.

Democrats hoping to limit Senate losses

Democrats tend to be strong closers, with a vaunted operation to get supporters to voting sites on Election Day by the party, Obama's organizers and unions. This time, they faced a ground game complicated by the Tea Party, less polished than the other side but full of energy.

Among the Senate seats that Democrats could lose is the one in Illinois formerly held by Obama. A win there by Republican Mark Kirk over Democrat Alexi Giannoulias would have huge symbolic importance to Republicans and greatly improve their prospects for capturing the Senate.

Cartoons GOP takeover
Click here to view our Republican takeover cartoons.

The Democrats' best chance of capturing a Republican Senate seat may be in Alaska, where the Republican vote could be split. Joe Miller, a Tea Party favorite supported by former Gov. Sarah Palin, won the Republican nomination from the incumbent, Lisa Murkowski.

But Murkowski has stayed in the race as a write-in candidate, creating an opening for Democrat Scott McAdams if the Republican vote is split.
Obama is now a lame duck.
Hardly surprising, there's nearly always a shift towards the opposition party from a majority.

Although I'm sure the optimists among you will already see part of Obama's re-election strategy coming from this and given the relative shortness of the public's attention span when it comes to political matters and under the right set of circumstances it'll probably work. It will be true after all, nothing of any substance will happen in his final two years of office if the Republicans take the house and the Democrats keep the Senate by only a small margin (which looks set to occur), let alone if they take the Senate too.
... just like Clinton after the 1994 midterm elections. :D

Exactly what I was going to say.

Now the republicans have to govern. And, as "owners" of the House, republican have to lead.

In 2004, Karl Rove spoke of a "permanent republican majority." 2 years, late, the House and the Senate were both controlled by Democrats.

Don't let hubris get the best of you. This is just the cycle that these things go though.

Let's see what the republicans do while they're in power. And then let 2012 take care of itself.


█▀█▀█ █ &#9608
Great, now shit really won't get done. Thanks GOP :thumbsup: least now there's a reasonable justification for why things aren't getting done. The dems will be back to bitching about how they can't get legislation passed because of republican congressmen even though they had the majority and still didn't get much accomplished. That's how congress works these days though.


Banned least now there's a reasonable justification for why things aren't getting done. The dems will be back to bitching about how they can't get legislation passed because of republican congressmen even though they had the majority and still didn't get much accomplished. That's how congress works these days though.

How dare you go against what I said!! Walk the plank, bitch!


█▀█▀█ █ &#9608
How dare you go against what I said!! Walk the plank, bitch!
You can't make the Pirate King walk the plank! Besides, walking the plank is so last century. These days it's all the rage to bury mutineers alive.

*hands shovel*

Now start digging!


Lord Dipstick
Hardly surprising, there's nearly always a shift towards the opposition party from a majority.

Although I'm sure the optimists among you will already see part of Obama's re-election strategy coming from this and given the relative shortness of the public's attention span when it comes to political matters and under the right set of circumstances it'll probably work. It will be true after all, nothing of any substance will happen in his final two years of office if the Republicans take the house and the Democrats keep the Senate by only a small margin (which looks set to occur), let alone if they take the Senate too.

Wait...a BB post that is an intelligent, informed opinion w/o homosexual overtones?? :clap:
How did that happen?


Nice to see the good guys winning.

On another note, Sarah Palin looked positively delicious in that red dress tonight! :tongue:
lol, good guys.
You are a fag, Sarah Palin is obviously a man. What kind of woman hunts moose?
You can't make the Pirate King walk the plank! Besides, walking the plank is so last century. These days it's all the rage to bury mutineers alive.

*hands shovel*

Now start digging!

Like Caribou:eek:


Verified Babe
Official Checked Star Member
lol, good guys.
You are a fag, Sarah Palin is obviously a man. What kind of woman hunts moose?

Like Caribou:eek:

Wait!! I like to hunt!! Somthing about holding that hard shaft in my hands and the feeling of it exploding forward by my soft grip and firm actions...aaaaaa hhmmmmmm oh! wait!
I mean YEAH!! I like hunting in the woods for big giant BUCKS too!!! :)

How dare you go against what I said!! Walk the plank, bitch!

You guys are funny as shit!!! Walk Bitch!!!!! haha
Wait...a BB post that is an intelligent, informed opinion w/o homosexual overtones?? :clap:
How did that happen?

They pop out once in a while, not as much as they used to but hey... I know my audience. :D

*add something about sodomising Dirk with broken glass here*

Ace Bandage

The one and only.
<----- Scoreboard. That's right, bitches. :thefinger

Now it's the Democrats turn to filibuster all legislation (as we did) so that this nation can be in the same position it is in now when elections roll around again.
The Dems bit the dust, no doubt. A more surprising set of casualties were tea party candidates endorsed by the anointed Sarah Palin. Coons, Cuomo, Boxer, and Brown should all call Palin tonight to thank her personally for their victories. Assuming things pan out as expected in Nevada and Washington, so should Reid and Murray. Reid should be especially thankful because without tea party "assistance" the Repubs would be extremely likely to have the Senate and he would lose his position.