It's a long shot, but anyone who is good with classic porn...

I realise anyone who can figure out what i'm talking about is a porn genius, but i remember one particular scene from a porn i watched AGES ago.

It would have to be classified as a classical video. One particular scene i remember is a woman (whos had a scene previously), she is hot and busty as, and a guy taking photographs of a naked chick in a studio.
Then the blonde busty porn actress accuses the photographer of being gay, which he responds to by having sex with the chick they were photographing.
But when he starts having sex with her, the blonde says she wants to go and get someone else because 'they have to see this', and she ends up like missing his whole sex scene with her.

I know this isn't much to go off, but its all i can remember. And more than likely there was a gang bang at the end. I think i remember there being one any way.

This has been driving me crazy. Even a steer in the right direction where i can get help would be awesome, i'm not sure if i'm in the right forum.

Thanks guys, appreciate any help.