It can be a big SUPPORT for the lover, who got love on any pornstar.

Porn is real, but the desires it awakens should be part of one's fantasies and imagination.

Freeones is real, but the desires it awakens should be part of one's fantasies and imagination.

Knowing a pornstar's real name, could of course change something in one's fantasies and imagination .... ;).
For instance: one could whisper oh, Sarah to the desktop screen, instead of oh, Cuntie ....

But that should be all.

If this is not the case, one has some serious problems. It's not healthy to be obsessed with a virtual (non-)reality.

Real life is so much greater than porn.
Real love is, too.

Turn off your PC and experience it!

Yeah, that's the problem. There are unbalanced people who doesn't tell reality and fantasies apart. That's why there are so many psychos out there and it's necessary for those girls to hide their real identity and whereabouts.

Ace Bandage

The one and only.
There are unbalanced people who doesn't tell reality and fantasies apart.

What in the fuckin' french toast is going on here? That doesn't make any damn sense. I'm going to start stabbing baby kittens to release my frustration. That's right, your mistakes are now going to kill defenseless animals. I hope you sleep well at night...
What in the fuckin' french toast is going on here? That doesn't make any damn sense. I'm going to start stabbing baby kittens to release my frustration. That's right, your mistakes are now going to kill defenseless animals. I hope you sleep well at night...

I sincerely apologize. I'm not a native English speaker. Trying to do my best, bear with me.

EDIT: WTFFFF?? Already falling asleep..... sorry

Ace Bandage

The one and only.
^^ Sigh. You're both doing it wrong. You're supposed to insult me for being a Grammar Nazi or perhaps curse me repeatedly. Or maybe you just insult my avatar or my love of the Cubs. Then we wittily banter back and forth and a great time is had by all. It's not any fun if you're benign participants... :(
^^ Sigh. You're both doing it wrong. You're supposed to insult me for being a Grammar Nazi or perhaps curse me repeatedly. Or maybe you just insult my avatar or my love of the Cubs. Then we wittily banter back and forth and a great time is had by all. It's not any fun if you're benign participants... :(


Sorry to spoil your fun :D

As for today, doom_megaupload out. Falling asleep too. Maybe that's why I can't think a clever way to mock the guy that types asleep.
^^ Sigh. You're both doing it wrong. You're supposed to insult me for being a Grammar Nazi or perhaps curse me repeatedly. Or maybe you just insult my avatar or my love of the Cubs. Then we wittily banter back and forth and a great time is had by all. It's not any fun if you're benign participants... :(

If ya smellllllllllllll......what the'!!!!! :thumbsup:

btw Ry you're the northern end of a south bound horse....damn grammar Nazi.....FUCK YOU, FUCK YOU, FUCK is about time you got a decent avatar :thefinger

And most of us are too nice to fuck with someone for supporting a team 10.5 games out of first...with a losing record at home...and a team batting average of .257 which proves that they cannot hit their ass with both hands from a dead stop!!! :hatsoff:
Yeah, Petra's right. I think pornstars are women that can awake the wildest and maybe even most vicious sexual desires on many people, and that's why they just can't be giving their address and number to every guy (or girl) that asks for them. For the sake of their own safety. I've been watching porn for years, and a bunch of pornstars are still my favorites since then, I repeat, years ago. But I can't even thinking of me as a fan 'falling in love' with any of them. Pardon me, that sounds foolish to me. Should that be actually possible, I guess one can love a pornstar only after getting to know her deep down (no pun intended), accepting that they are totally different to common women, and being able to carry the burden of knowing she has been screwed for dozens of men, for everyone in the world to see. I'll go out on a limb and say that the big majority of men just aren't capable of handling that. I know I'm not.

Yes Dear " doom_megaupload " , i'm agree with you.
but sometimes the human MINd wants something un-expected , foolish, and one-way love.
and i'm sure this kind of love i always feel for my girls (beloved porn stars).
i know i never find my beloved (porn stars) in real life. but feel good by imagine that i'm with anyone of them (my beloved porn stars).

so this is a part of my mind's scenarios.


Cult Mother and Simpering Cunt
^ Agreed doom...

^1...^n And they really should pick a single stage name.

Petra, so they are like horses, that's a bit freaky (shudder)...

Just saying in racing they ID the horses because they all look the same. With the girls changing their looks and names all the time, they should be tattoo'd, marked, deer tagged, chipped, or something so people can tell who they are. :rolleyes:

Mind, this comes from 3 years of trying to make sure the right babe gets into the right section....we have over 15,000 babes we work with!!
Just saying in racing they ID the horses because they all look the same. With the girls changing their looks and names all the time, they should be tattoo'd, marked, deer tagged, chipped, or something so people can tell who they are. :rolleyes:

Mind, this comes from 3 years of trying to make sure the right babe gets into the right section....we have over 15,000 babes we work with!!

yes "Petra" i support your opinion.
then it will much and much easy to find out anyone's favorite babe in anywhere, in any footage, in any clip or in any movie. :D

with this opinion i already find one of my favorite babe, She already got a tattoo just upper portion of HER "pussy".

She is Linda Friday , n she got the "F" tattoo just at the upper portion of her pussy.
i like that. :D
Just saying in racing they ID the horses because they all look the same. With the girls changing their looks and names all the time, they should be tattoo'd, marked, deer tagged, chipped, or something so people can tell who they are. :rolleyes:

Mind, this comes from 3 years of trying to make sure the right babe gets into the right section....we have over 15,000 babes we work with!!

I guess you've got a point there :D