Israel demolishes more Palestinian homes in W. Bank


Israeli Forces Demolish Mosque in a wave of West Bank Demolitions

Israeli forces demolished Palestinian homes in the Jordan Valley and the South Hebron Hills today in what seems as a wave of demolitions following yesterday’s demolitions all across the West Bank. Non-violent leaders from Beit Ummar have also been arrested in night raids. Grassroots organizers Mousa and Yousef Abu Maria were arrested from their homes as harassment continues in Beit Ummar

After carrying demolitions in the villages of Qarawat Bani Hassan near Salfeet, al-Jiftlik in the Jordan Valley and Hizma near Jerusalem yesterday, Israeli bulldozers returned to the Jordan Valley today. At 6:30 this morning, Israeli Civil Administration bulldozers accompanied by soldiers and armored military jeeps entered the Jordan Valley village of Khirbet Yarza, east of Tubas, and demolished the village’s mosque, a houses and four animal shelters. The demolitions rendered eleven people homeless.

As a reader noted in the comments, you'll notice that The Vandal State likes to carry out such activities on American public holidays to void as much coverage as possible.


new UN report details the most recent spate of Israel's ethnic cleansing program in the West Bank:

November 22

Israeli forces demolished Palestinian structures in the Al Isawiya area between East Jerusalem and the settlement of Maele Adummin. Initial information: at least 2 barracks used for work purposes and some stone walls. Some fence material was also confiscated. This is the second time that barracks here were demolished. Last time was 27 October.

November 23

As you know, Israeli police and settlers this morning forcibly evicted 3 Palestinian families from their home in Al Farouq neighbourhood of Jabal al Mukabber in East Jerusalem. A large force of Israeli police and border police were reported to have forcibly evicted the families between 9.00 and 10.00. Immediately following the eviction the building was handed over to a group of settlers that reportedly are affiliated with the settler organization El Ad. The settler group is currently undertaking some work on the premises -- 3 separate apartments located on 3 floors.

It was inhabited by the Qara'in family, which includes 3 families of 14 people, among them 5 children ranging from 3 to 10 years of age. The families are currently sheltering with neighbors, they have no place to live. Supposedly the settler group claims to have purchased the building from a deceased relative of the family a few years ago. The family and their lawyer tried to challenge these claims before Israeli courts.

November 24

Israeli forces destroyed a large number of Palestinian-owned structures in several locations in the West Bank, forcibly displacing 23 people, including 16 children , and destroying the livelihood of dozens of others. Also on this day, Israeli settlers took over an uninhabited apartment in East Jerusalem. The reports:

--In the At Tur neighbourhood of occupied East Jerusalem , the Jerusalem Municipality demolished the home of a Palestinian family, forcibly displacing 7 people, including 4 children . The family, which has lived in the building for 8 years, had attempted to obtain an Israeli building permit for the home. The family has requested a tent and other basic humanitarian assistance as they have nowhere else to live.

--In the area around Hizma checkpoint , the Jerusalem Municipality demolished 7 work-related Palestinian structures, 6 of them plant nurseries/shops and 1 a furniture business. The demolitions reportedly devastated the livelihoods of 13 Palestinian families and resulted in extensive loss of materials and equipment.

--On the Mount of Olives, Israeli settlers took over an apartment on the 3rd floor of a building near an existing Israeli settlement (the one overlooking the Old City). The apartment, which is one of 4 apartments in the building, was uninhabited at the time; it was vacated and sealed last year by a Palestinian family which had purchased it in 2005. Since that time the settlers have disputed the family's ownership. The apartment was sealed last year following an order from the District Court.

--On Nov. 23, the Jerusalem Municipality returned to Al Isawiye and completed the demolition of 2 Palestinian work-related structures that were partly demolished on 11 November. This included a stable for horses and a cement structure where some members of the family lived when tending the farm.

--In the Abu Al Ajaj area of Jiftlik in the Jordan Valley , the IDF demolished 3 large structures , including 2 buildings (containing 2 units each) that were used for residential and work-related purposes. 2 Palestinian families of 16 people, including 12 children , have lost their home and been forcibly displaced. In addition, a number of young sheep were killed as the structures were demolished on top of them. A considerable amount of fodder was destroyed. The structures in question received demolition orders from Israeli authorities in 2008, but the families were challenging the orders before the Israeli High Court. This is the same area that in recent weeks has been targeted by Israeli settlers from Masu'a settlement, who have made repeated and aggressive attempts to expand the settlement by taking over village land, using illegal fencing that cuts the Palestinian herders residing in the area from their livelihood. For information about these attempts, please see the Humanitarian Monitor for October.

* In the village of Qarawat Bani Hassan in the West Bank, to the north of the Ariel settlement "finger", the IDF reportedly demolished at least 1 work-related Palestinian structure. Levelling of land was reported in nearby Wadi Qana.

November 25

Israeli forces have demolished a number of Palestinian structures in at least 2 different locations in the West Bank, displacing at least 31 Palestinians, more than half of them children.

--In Khirbet Yasra in the Jordan Valley, Israeli forces demolished at least 7 Palestinian structures. According to the village council, this included 2 houses and 4 work-related structures, as well as a mosque. As a result at least 2 Palestinian families of 11 have been forcibly displaced.

--In Ar Rifa'iyya village near Hebron, Israeli forces demolished a building containing 2 apartments, forcibly displacing 2 families of 20 people, including 16 children.
More and more people are beginning to see Israel isn't the morally superior country they want us to believe it is. Unfortunately the west won't do anything to intervene because anyone who critisizes Israel is labeled as an anti-semite. Israel continues to use WWII to portray itself as the victim and gets away with it.

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
More and more people are beginning to see Israel isn't the morally superior country they want us to believe it is. Unfortunately the west won't do anything to intervene because anyone who critisizes Israel is labeled as an anti-semite. Israel continues to use WWII to portray itself as the victim and gets away with it.

Yep, I'd say that pretty well sums it up. :clap:


The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
lol israel
More and more people are beginning to see Israel isn't the morally superior country they want us to believe it is. Unfortunately the west won't do anything to intervene because anyone who critisizes Israel is labeled as an anti-semite. Israel continues to use WWII to portray itself as the victim and gets away with it.
Don't forget, the country of 'Israel' was created after WWII because of what happened with the Nazi's.

I really feel the big picture is that Israel just wants to be left alone...


Retired Mod
Bronze Member
As the countries in that areas are ruled by religious governments, either islamic or jewish, they are not settling this on a ralitonal base.

Their books and their faith tells them they have the right - and they HAVE to - do what's needed to prevail.

Israel thus has to get the land back they lost over the centuries and drive out their foes.

Read the book of Genesis, and see what the Lord says when there are people in his way. The Palestiniens are lucky, back in the days, the whole bunch of them including women and children would have been wiped out.
Israel has earned its right to exist as a country.

They face hate and violence from all sides and it has made them strong.

Ever read about the six day war? Amazing stuff.


Why save the world, when you can rule it?
oddly enough fucking with people isn't the best way to live a peaceful existence...not saying israel doesn't get fucked with either mind you
These are obviously the actions of Israeli hawks.
Like the actions of hawks everywhere, they will do no good in the long run.

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
These are obviously the actions of Israeli hawks.
Like the actions of hawks everywhere, they will do no good in the long run.

Very true!

It doesn't seem that it's been that long ago that Israel blackmailed the U.S. taxpayers into paying them a couple of hundred thousand dollars EACH for the cardboard shacks they'd illegally erected on Palestinian land. That was a nice scam. It worked too! :clap:

Seems like the Cambodians would finance some movies and TV shows about Pol Pot, and how nobody did anything to stop him from murdering millions of their people. Then they could get some sympathy bucks from the U.S. too!