Is This How Lazy People Really Are?


1960s: Damn kids today! Their sexually swinging hips, their ridiculous hair and their ridiculous speech. Stop making up words! Take off those ridiculous clothes! Get a hair cut!
Stop fornicating!

1970s: Damn kids today! Their sexually swinging hips, their ridiculous hair and their ridiculous speech. Stop making up words! Take off those ridiculous clothes! Get a hair cut!
Stop fornicating!

1980s: Damn kids today! Their sexually swinging hips, their ridiculous hair and their ridiculous speech. Stop making up words! Take off those ridiculous clothes! Get a hair cut!
Stop fornicating!

1990s: Damn kids today! Their sexually swinging hips, their ridiculous hair and their ridiculous speech. Stop making up words! Take off those ridiculous clothes! Get a hair cut!
Stop fornicating!

2000s: Damn kids today! Their sexually swinging hips, their ridiculous hair and their ridiculous speech. Stop making up words! Take off those ridiculous clothes! Get a hair cut!
Stop fornicating!

2010-beyond: Damn kids today! Their sexually swinging hips, their ridiculous hair and their ridiculous speech. Stop making up words! Take off those ridiculous clothes! Get a hair cut!
Stop fornicating!

:rofl:Its funny cause its true.
^^Funny thing about it is that it's not kids, it's actually an 81 year old, former principle that's really supporting this.

I'm 18, play in a rock/metal band, have a fairly long beard which people are always telling me to shave, and I fornicate regularly, but I sure as hell don't support the destruction of the english language.

The whole internet or "LEE7" speak is getting out of hand, and I think most of my peers at the University probably agree. I can see texting to your friend and using words like "u" or "ur" to shorten the length of your text, but I want to see these dumbass "LEE7" speakers turn in a 15 page research paper where they shortened and misspelled every word and then try to explain to the professor that they did it cause "the English language has over 425 ways of putting words together in illogical ways." Are we seriously going to dumb down the English language cause some dumbass kid (who probably doesn't pay attention in class or apply himself to the course at all) can't spell "enough" right?

I bet A-RY would be pissed off at this. I read in a post somewhere that he is an English teacher, and I can just imagine trying to get a bunch of dumbass kids to actually listen to you and apply themselves during the semester, and then have it all ruined cause a few idiots think it is a good idea to ruin our language cause of a few slow learners.


I am a failure to the Korean side of my family
And this is why the zombies will win if people don't get their shit together, because I don't want to Wander around aimlessly in search of human flesh to consume.
God some people are ridiculously stupid sometimes. The language is fine the way it is, if a word is too tough get a fucking thesaurus and find an easier word.
God some people are ridiculously stupid sometimes. The language is fine the way it is, if a word is too tough get a fucking thesaurus and find an easier word.

People have become so spoiled, we have spell-check on the computer, and we're still too lazy to use it. Even if you're only like 30% right on the word, spellcheck will still fix it for you. The only excuse is that you completely fucked up the word beyond all repair.


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Originally Posted by digdiggler View Post
Their not lazy they just can't write!!!!! Dumbing down of America
Please tell me you did that on purpose. Please!!!!

I am afraid he was victim of the thing he was commenting on :1orglaugh

And If I, as a german, not first-language english speaker are right, he did three mistakes:

- It is They're... Not Their
- He left out the comma after 'lazy'

But you shared the last mistake with him...

- One exclamation marker only :thumbsup:

Now where did I mess up :rofl:
And it's never going to get better! The idiots that are graduating now will be the idiots that we put in positions of authority later. Then we'll reelect them!
Its called abbrevating. Nobody talks like that and they know that "u" is not how you spell "you".

Next topic.

I have taught many high school age kids that honesty had no idea! These were not dropouts, or bottom of the barrel students, they were successful students. "Luv, wuz, dem, thow" Some of them just don't know!
yo alls jus makin sho i gots dis dwn good.

i hope i am doing good! gr8! looks lk it!
Whether I'm writing an email, text, or chatting, I take pride in using correct spelling and proper grammar. Or should I say trying to use proper spelling and grammar, we all make mistakes.