is there any girls here??

*repositions package, scratches and then spits at the monitor*

i ain't never seen no womin here you know womin on a porn bord is just not right why wood won come here bearfoot and in the kitcen i say

Of course there are women here silly, even some pornstars are members. I hear that girl tunsty likes getting pm's she likes to great new members. :)


fo sho that tunsty is a hawt chik :thumbsup:
Just to sum up: yes, there are about five girls here - more or less - not to mention checked pornstar members, who also appear at the board from time to time, but most of them do it rarely.

the rest 99,99% are guys (perverted, as you can see it from a special thread).

keeping all that in mind, I have to dissapoint you: this is not the right place to get acquainted with a hot babe who also is fond of watching porn. though I can understand your natural desire: girls who are fond of porn worth their weight in gold! (hot girls who like it, worth their weight in platinum)


Retired Mod
Just to sum up: yes, there are about five girls here - more or less

There are six that have posted in this thread.

dick van cock

Closed Account
We need female and male icons in profiles like on some other forums. :]

I think there are enough girls here to warrant that feature!
More icons! More! More! In order to avoid offending any minorities, there should be an icon for transsexuals, too.

... and (if possible) also one for neutered skunks.


Cult Mother and Simpering Cunt
Maybe we should have OCFMs to go with the OCSMs and put that in their little avatar messages. :D
fo sho that tunsty is a hawt chik :thumbsup:


BTW.. Ladylove, Please, please, PLEASE.. stop sending me pics of your hairy chest.
There are six that have posted in this thread.

yes, almost every woman of the board considered it to be her moral obligation to post at this thread :bowdown:

Not in vain I said 'more or less'.. the difference between five and six doesn't really matter in comparison with thousands of men out there. Whether it is five, six, or even ten - it anyways will be an irretrievable minority. exponent of a number is incomparable.
Make that eight.

Well, I WILL be a girl once I get the op completed...


I've been known to fool a sailor or two in my time, but I'm pretty sure I am a man. My fiancee Becks likes porn as long as it is tastefully done, and doesn't involve the Simpsons.
We need female and male icons in profiles like on some other forums. :]

I think there are enough girls here to warrant that feature!

Yeah but I can see this as turning into another Myspace. We don't REALLY know who is on the other side of the computer screen.
Nichelle, are those pictures really you? If so, damn, are you sexy and beautiful. You should definitely be in the porn business. Any reason why you are not?