Do you really like tomatoes?

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Will E Worm

^^ You clearly don't……evidenced by your ignorant and bigoted statements on other threads.

:1orglaugh :sleep:

He believes in the true and real Jesus Christ.

Not the man-made hippie "Jesus."
:1orglaugh :sleep:

He believes in the true and real Jesus Christ.

Not the man-made hippie "Jesus."
I heard that. There is not a hippy Jesus. I feel sorry for the people who are decieved about me. but hey Light and darkness can't dwell in the same place.:D

Will E Worm

There is but one God. . . Allah! Death to false prophets!

In Islam, Jesus (Arabic: عيسى‎ `Īsā) is considered a Messenger of God who had been sent to guide the People of Israel (banī isrā'īl) with a new scripture, the Injīl (gospel). The Qur'an, believed by Muslims to be God's final revelation, mentions Jesus 25 times. It states that Jesus was born to Mary (Arabic: Maryam) as the result of virginal conception, a miraculous event which occurred by the decree of God (Arabic: Rab). To aid him in his quest, Jesus was given the ability to perform miracles, all by the permission of God.

Jesus in Islam

But, they are deceived on the rest.

At least Islam has some good things they say.

The Jews go by a book called the Talmud, an evil and blasphemous book of lies. People wonder why Islam attacks the Jews.

i'll stay with the same answer, there must be a God, why ? because how on earth did all the beautiful women come ?? you could say ' they have been born ' but where did it began then ?? same question like who was first the chicken or the egg.
There is no God for Christ Sakes!

When I die, my owners are just going to throw me in a hole, then fill it back up and plant daises over the top of me.

Luckily, I don't have any gold teeth, so I should remain undisturbed.

When I get to St. Peter, he says "Animals on the right, and humans on the left."

I get into the "human" line and a "storm trooper" kicks me, then says "you are a fucking dog! get over with the other animals!"

I reply to him "I am a human and only play a dog in real life."

The storm trooper scratches his head than says "When you are a dog and play a human in real life, then come back, otherwise get in the other line."
Here we are again...

Since the last thread has veered of topic so severely - so much so that I highly doubt it'll ever get back on track. I thought, instead of starting another flame war between some of the lower life forms in the #2 thread in an attempt to get the thread back on track to the discussion we all really want to have - that I'd start a new thread that hopefully will take it's place once and for all as the supreme discussion place for all things related to this topic. A thread in which the important issues at hand are discussed simply and upfront with no fear of judgement from our fellow members. A discussion that even the simplest and least evolved members of the forum could join in and give us their view on the matter and be respected as one of the whole . . . even if they're really aren't.

Now, I would like us all to act like adults and not get into petty squabbles about what truth and faith are, or who is the keeper of such things because it really never goes anywhere and those of you out there who are guilty of this deep down really know all of this already but it doesn't hurt to remind us all again. A lively debate is fine, but it's just not worth all of the effort to go through every piece of grey matter you have to put this thread together for it to crumble under its own weight because of a few petty individuals who just can't shut the fuck up and stay on point! Yes we all love the back and forth about shoving various objects up each others asses and Goethe's Angry Glove etc, but it really isn't what this thread is all about. So please, I implore you (and you know who you are; BB (Boothbabe!) in particular!) please stick to the subject at hand and refrain from such barbarism until some idiotic newb comes around asking for free downloads or whatever you and your ilk usually leech onto. I may even join you this time. How exactly I'm going to actually do that I do not know because as you all know that kind of thing really isn't up my alley - it disgusts me quite frankly and I think less of each and everyone of you everytime it comes up. What can I say, I just don't have as sick and twisted an imagination as you do Boothy.

But I'll give it ago. Just don't expect me to be very good. :hatsoff:

Ladies and gentlemen, the floor is yours....

cool story bro
Yes, he's that sick fuck watching all of us suffer, shower, fuck, masturbate ect. Let's be honest, that's all he could be doing sense his prayer answering phone seems to be out of service.