Do you really like tomatoes?

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Here we are again...

Since the last thread has veered of topic so severely - so much so that I highly doubt it'll ever get back on track. I thought, instead of starting another flame war between some of the lower life forms in the #2 thread in an attempt to get the thread back on track to the discussion we all really want to have - that I'd start a new thread that hopefully will take it's place once and for all as the supreme discussion place for all things related to this topic. A thread in which the important issues at hand are discussed simply and upfront with no fear of judgement from our fellow members. A discussion that even the simplest and least evolved members of the forum could join in and give us their view on the matter and be respected as one of the whole . . . even if they're really aren't.

Now, I would like us all to act like adults and not get into petty squabbles about what truth and faith are, or who is the keeper of such things because it really never goes anywhere and those of you out there who are guilty of this deep down really know all of this already but it doesn't hurt to remind us all again. A lively debate is fine, but it's just not worth all of the effort to go through every piece of grey matter you have to put this thread together for it to crumble under its own weight because of a few petty individuals who just can't shut the fuck up and stay on point! Yes we all love the back and forth about shoving various objects up each others asses and Goethe's Angry Glove etc, but it really isn't what this thread is all about. So please, I implore you (and you know who you are; BB (Boothbabe!) in particular!) please stick to the subject at hand and refrain from such barbarism until some idiotic newb comes around asking for free downloads or whatever you and your ilk usually leech onto. I may even join you this time. How exactly I'm going to actually do that I do not know because as you all know that kind of thing really isn't up my alley - it disgusts me quite frankly and I think less of each and everyone of you everytime it comes up. What can I say, I just don't have as sick and twisted an imagination as you do Boothy.

But I'll give it ago. Just don't expect me to be very good. :hatsoff:

Ladies and gentlemen, the floor is yours....


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    13.2 KB · Views: 121
I am agnostic, but I've been told by many atheist that I'm just not accepting of atheism and that being Agnostic makes no sense.

I still believe that there is a master of the universes though, not he-man lol, but a god, if you want to call it that, that started everything.


Postal Paranoiac
I wanna cheese sammich!:wave2:

Ace Bandage

The one and only.
It gets tiresome when everyone mimics your thread ideas and catchphrases. I recognize that my sheer geniusness (yep, made that word up, deal with it) is exciting to emulate, but I don't endorse or support these copycats. I mean, look at the thread starter this time around. Who the fuck is this guy? I've seen him around a few times, but the guy never has an original thought of his own. He's constantly feeding off me and riding my coattails.

Sigh, I just need my own fan club. Scratch that, then I'd have everybody following me around on the boards and in real life. I just can't deal with that right now.


I am a failure to the Korean side of my family
Well God is partial to popcorn chicken, and you know that is here to stay. So yes there is a God.


Lord Dipstick

O hai, just sayin, lol, brb, wtf, omg, idgaf, wtvr.....:hatsoff:
I thought we already did is there a God 3, and this one was supposed to be 4? No matter.

To answer your question.........FUCK NO, I don't like tomatoes! You should have taken my advice in the other thread BlueBalls, this poll is already an epic fail. Seriously, who the fuck just eats plain tomatoes??? That's right, NOBODY! You should have clearly made the poll question do you like tomato products? I already know what you're going to say though, so don't even bother. You're going to say that without tomatoes you can't make tomato products. There's alot of grey area there........are you a tomato purist or a tomato productivist? But anyway, that isn't the point here. This is obviously a poll biased in favor of tomato purists. Therefore, you should apologize to all the members here, ask the mods to close this thread and then go sky diving without a parachute. :hatsoff:

Ace Bandage

The one and only.
^^ Anyone who has not eaten a sliced, fresh tomato straight from the garden with salt and pepper that is out. That is one of my favorite snacks when they're in season. It's perfectly normal and quite tasty to eat tomatoes by themselves


I once went into a California Avocado orchard, took a stick with 2 nails on the end, and snagged a completely ripe avocado from the very top branch.

When I split the skin, scooped out the deep green avocado and shoved it into my mouth, right then and there I knew, without any doubt, there IS a God.
Case closed.

I consider a vine ripened tomato to be one of His angels sent to reward us here on Earth for persevering through the shit we have to deal with navigating the aforementioned Valley of Death.
I shall fear no Evil...


The secret ingredient? MY BALLS
I once went into a California Avocado orchard, took a stick with 2 nails on the end, and snagged a completely ripe avocado from the very top branch.

When I split the skin, scooped out the deep green avocado and shoved it into my mouth, right then and there I knew, without any doubt, there IS a God.
Case closed.

There's only one thing wrong with that story...avocados don't ever ripen on the tree. So, just as vine ripened avocados, God is nothing more than a figment of our imaginations.
