Is the world better then it was 10 years ago?

Is the world better then it was 10 years ago?

  • Definitely better

    Votes: 6 16.2%
  • Somewhat better

    Votes: 6 16.2%
  • No better, no worse

    Votes: 12 32.4%
  • Somewhat worse

    Votes: 6 16.2%
  • Definitely worse

    Votes: 7 18.9%

  • Total voters
I do like my iPod, satellite radio, Freeones, and DVD porn but No. In the eyes of the world America, my country, has become the obnoxious redneck bully, cocking off to anybody who questions him, using paranoid scare tactics to steal your lunch money, and going places where he doesn't belong and just generally fucking it up.

And, 5 years ago I never thought I'd say this, give it 3 years. But that won't matter, we're fucked.
To truly answer this question would take a few hours of research. 10 years ago while in the matter of time wasn't that long ago, its feels like forever since it happened. We have so many new devices and medicines and cures, yet so many new ways to die and more diseases. Terrorism is higher and now there are wars, but back then people were still dying no matter what. I went with no better, no worse because of the lack of research and lack of time to truly decide at this time.


It's good to be the king...
I'd say worse... Schools are aweful these days. Some of the things that go on in schools shock me. Yes, alot of stuff happend back in my day, but teachers these days are @ssholes and I wonder why they even bothered to get into teaching children.

Basically everyday I hear about teachers molesting students. What's more shocking is that alot of these teachers are FEMALE.

Crime seems to be getting worse... Music is worse.... Movies are worse... TV shows stink.

I guess there isn't that many good things I can say about modern america and I don't know much about other parts of the world.
om3ga said:
Perhaps this could help in comparing years:

Hmm, the world looked basically the same except now, as opposed to 10 years ago, all the violence and fucked up shit has the United States' name all over it. Fuck!
Eh, too subjective for a good answer. Depends on where you live, your economy, your beliefs, and let's not forget a healthy dose of the grass-is-greener-syndrome. I do think the world has, overall, improved since for example the medieval ages (although it's worse in some areas and we seem to be on our way back. A "for the glory of God" at the end of the next anti-terror speech by Bush should do the trick), but 10 years ago way too close to tell.
Peter Gazinya said:
I do like my iPod, satellite radio, Freeones, and DVD porn but No. In the eyes of the world America, my country, has become the obnoxious redneck bully, cocking off to anybody who questions him, using paranoid scare tactics to steal your lunch money, and going places where he doesn't belong and just generally fucking it up.

And, 5 years ago I never thought I'd say this, give it 3 years. But that won't matter, we're fucked.

I think its better.

We know what is going to happen at the next worst case scenario.
Now we know how a nation can become political-bully and devastate its own economy. We also know how a few sycophant nations can egg a political bully on and destroy another nation.

As it will be hind sight next time. IMO the world is better off than the previous year. At least like Peter so many was forced to open their eyes.
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With the exception of the new toys here and there, and some medical breakthroughs, (and even they are getting more expensive and less available to poorer people) I would say we are starting to get progressively worse. I think we peaked somewhere after World War II in the 60's. A normal person could go out and get a decent job to support their family, buy a house, a car, and perhaps a few minor luxuries with gasp....a one-income household. That one income household let a parent stay at home to raise the kids where they just let television do it now. Even then, the American dream might have been dead but there was still enough to give a lot of people hope. The fact that a lot of our rights were being trampled on was only just beginning then and wasn't in full swing or at least not like it is now. There were some people that believed in preserving all the rights of other people and were willing to die to do it. They didn't pick and choose certain parts of our Constitution they wanted to follow and not follow. It shames me to say it, but people are a bunch of sheep in this country now. If you transplanted the people of today into revolutionary times we would have caved in. I don't like it but it is like my dad says, the people around her are a bunch of pussies. Not only will they not stand up for themselves or you but they will backstab you the first chance they get to further themselves. Nobody sticks together anymore, especially if it means a real sacrifice to themselves. Nobody cares and they definitely won’t do anything more than cast a vote or protest to change it. Maybe some multibillion dollar interest group will file a lawsuit to get things the way THEY want it, but that is about it.

The cars were great and they actually were built well, and powerful, and you didn't have to worry as much about dying in a minor wreak, or paying half the cars new sticker price in repairs if you hit a pole at 5 mph. Products in general were built better by people that took pride in their work and weren't ashamed of what America produces. There was also less electronics in them, which in of itself isn’t bad but we don't make those electronics good enough. I can't count the number of cordless phones people have thrown away or the number of electric window openers that have failed in the cars the people around me drive, or the number of programs that software companies don't play test enough. Heck the refrigerator my grandmother bought 55 years ago still works (along with ever other appliance she had when she died). Try that with one now. And... because things were more mechanical you could fix it yourself and know what was wrong with it a lot more often instead of taking it to some shop where somebody hooks it up to a computer and still can't figure it out because they have become to reliant on their gadgets. America actually made it's own products instead of having virtual third world slaves do it for them. Now we live in a disposable society that cuts every corner it can possibly get away with to save a few pennies. This is especially irritating to me because I have been raised with the philosophy that there is no "good enough". That word was taken out of my vocabulary growing up. To me something is either perfect or it isn't, and when forced to make something inferior that I could do better on I feel ashamed because it is my work that went into it. That is not to mention the benefits you got when you worked somewhere. There were places that gave out pensions and good benefits, and gasp…trained some of their employees and offered apprenticeships. Sure medicine is more expensive now, but a lot of that is are government and society treating it as a function of the market instead of a human right like it should be. It should have been socialized totally decades ago.

Music was good with people that were talented, and not just good looking in some video. Almost all the songs you could actually understand all the words in them. Even growing up in the 80's and 90's I still like a lot of the old songs better than anything that was produced when I was alive.

There were fewer rules and less people bitching about every little thing you did, although it wasn’t perfect then either. It seemed like more people had and used common sense.

All this isn't to say that era didn't have any black marks. It did, the most notable being the struggle for civil liberties and equal rights for all people. I shudder to think about what would happen if that needed to occur today. However for the most part I think it was the best time in our country.
I mastered my way. But for our nation... there are much problems, 5. Mio unemployed, since we have the € the prices are much higher. Our gouvernment is a pat between demokrats and socialists called big coalition. Everytime we have a big coalition is a got time for political extermists. So I hope thinks will change.
Our army has changed, so they are in some states under the flag of the UN, in former times they stand only to defend our country.

Much people are afraid of american politics here.

So I think it´s a little more worst, but it´s in our hands to make it in a better way.

At last sorry, my english is not the best one.
I feel in some ways the world is better such as technology.

However in other ways it is worse of such as the extent of conflict going on all over the world. Not just fighting but disagreements.

So in general I would say the world is still in the same shape as it was 10 years ago. So No better No worse.
Marbod said:
At last sorry, my english is not the best one.

Nothing to be sorry about. You got your points across, loud and clear. Expect many more from you.

D-rock said:
Nobody cares and they definitely won’t do anything more than cast a vote or protest to change it. Maybe some multibillion dollar interest group will file a lawsuit to get things the way THEY want it, but that is about it.

This is what is definitely bad about these days. But there is no point in crying over the split milk.

If we can imbibe our next generation with the values of our past, we will definitely be better off. And that is what it is better now than ten years before.

I admire your dad who could call a spade a spade.
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My opinion is that the world was maybe more peaceful and people had less to worry about in 1996 due to the fact of terrorism and violence...but the world we live in Today has made great advance ments in Techonolgy and science...IMO 1999 and 2000 were the best years ever...:2 cents:
In my subjective opinion the world is definitely worse than 10 years ago. Since then the humans have constantly been fucking up this planet more and more. I have the feeling that there's more selfishness than 10 years ago.
But as I said, that's just my subjective opinion.

:hatsoff: Jackson


It's good to be the king...
10 years ago we fretted about nukes previously under the control of the old USSR, ending up in the hands of insane terrorists....
Now we worry about Iran & North Korea either acquiring or having nukes that will end up in the hands of insane terrorists...

Que Sera Sera

10 years ago we didn't have broadband :)

And looking through most of the negative stuff (violence, molestation etc) that most of you posted, well, IMHO most of that stuff was probably going on already, just that now it's getting a lot more attention and I believe it's that very attention that gives us hope that the world can slowly improve.