Is the poop really real in scat movies or is it fake?


according to the maker of the extremely overrated and annoying 2 girls 1 cup, it is indeed fake as he uses chocolate in his films.


according to the maker of the extremely overrated and annoying 2 girls 1 cup, it is indeed fake as he uses chocolate in his films.

Bullshit, you see it quite close up coming out of her ass.

What is easier and cheaper, making fake poo or making real poo?
Bullshit, you see it quite close up coming out of her ass.
The theory is the choco was deployed up her ass ahead of time. :)facepalm:Why am I still posting in this thread when I don't want to?? I feel like a waffling Miss FOs contestant or something.)
What is easier and cheaper, making fake poo or making real poo?

Depending on what the real 'poo' is constituted could be much more expensive for the real shit (if you will). That fake stuff could be easier to make and make.


AFK..being taken to the vet to get neutered.
:eeew: sorry, I'll 'fess up to having plunged to some pretty interesting depths of perversity, but poo I cannot do.

Each to their own, I know. Or should I say, everyone's taste is different. I just don't get wanting to taste poo. I mean, it's poo. Unless it's poop, then it's cute and whimsical. :)
Here is one pissed off individual ranting about 2 girls 1 cup:

And SmokingGun take:

And this hilarious analysis, including the names of the two girls in the video:

Now my take on this whole thread:

If you are so far down the I need to get off porno barrel to the point where you want to know if poop is real or fake, take a break.


I am a failure to the Korean side of my family
Hmmm that is a mystery, anyway how about that Christmas thank god there is only one of those a year.