is the 360 blue ray?

i dont think so but im not sure..... im leaning towards no for 2 reasons.....
1. xbox 360 came out way before blue ray was being used
2. xbox decided to try supporting hddvd instead of blueray with their dvd player addon, which flopped big time....

All the XBOX and 360 games are on XBL and DVD9.

With the HD DVD addon, you can play HD DVD videos, though. Also, there is NO BD support for 360 as of yet.
cool guys thanks for the info.
i think it is or will be available on regular dvd.(i hope)
There have been rumors of a bluray addon drive several times now, but nothing for sure. I wouldn't count on it though, especially this late in a system's life and with the rocky road that bluray seems to be traveling.
thank you for that much needed correction there namreg.:rolleyes::thumbsup::rolleyes:


well i just don't like it when ppl have these discussions over days, if not weeks, when they could just look up the facts on wikipedia...
no, and heres why:

Sony owns rights to the format (hence its built into the PS3, thats why it costs $400) if MS wanted bluray in the 360, they'd have to pay Sony for the format and Sony would get more money through it for each blu ray sold. MS dont want this.

Which is why they supported HD DVD which was made by Toshiba - and you could get the HD DVD add on for the 360. However, there could only be 1 format, and whoever sold better would be the deciding HD format. Blu Ray was outselling HD DVD 5 - 1. Toshiba has since stopped producing HD DVD's.

So you could buy the HD DVD add on but you really are wasting your money because there wont be anymore new HD DVD releases. All HD titles will be on blu ray.

This is the main reason why PS3 costs more than 360 - because its BUILT IN and not an add on. And just so you know - all PS3 games are on blu ray as well.

Hope I cleared that up for you :)
No, and according to my brother in law who works for Microsoft, there are no plans to incorporate Blu-Ray support.
Like everyone else said not now but I am sure that Microsoft will come up with something to incorporate it because they are loosing a lot of money not supporting it