Is sex better when you're in love?

I've found that having sex with someone you love is much more fulfilling and you feel great about it afterwards. You take time to please your partner as they do for you.

However, sex when you're not in love seems to me to be much more exciting and can lead to much more taboo type of things. It's spontaneous and you tend to worry about your own pleasure a little more. Plus it is fun to explore a new girl every once in awhile, find out her likes and dislikes. Good post, nice topic.:D
However, sex when you're not in love seems to me to be much more exciting and can lead to much more taboo type of things. It's spontaneous and you tend to worry about your own pleasure a little more. Plus it is fun to explore a new girl every once in awhile, find out her likes and dislikes. Good post, nice topic.:D

I think I've actually done MORE with my wife than with the randoms from before her. Lots of the "taboo" things you mention above I didn't get to do until after I met and stayed with her, as we both got more adventurous as time's gone on.

I agree- good topic! :thumbsup:

I think I've actually done MORE with my wife than with the randoms from before her. Lots of the "taboo" things you mention above I didn't get to do until after I met and stayed with her, as we both got more adventurous as time's gone on.

I agree- good topic! :thumbsup:


You know, that's a really good point. It seems like it SHOULD be that just hasn't been for me. I've probably just been with a load of sluts. No, I KNOW I've been. My fiancee basically thinks that certain things are "too slutty" or weird for her and I respect her opinion. I can see, though, how some taboo things could be introduced more easily through the give and take nature of a stable, monogamous relationship.
And don't forget that sometimes, you try new and more wild things because you want to do new and more wild things. You've screwed, you've sucked, you've licked, and etc. Hey, what about *that* hole? :eek:


I think it matters more if you both really want to have sex with each other.

Usually being in love creates those mutual feelings of sexual lust. But if those feelings are formed in both/all people involved, with out love, the sex is going to be just as good ... But the likeliness of a mutual lust being formed without love is low; and likewise, not many people fall in love without any feeling of lust.
I'm getting married to the woman who was my first, so I honestly can't say whether or not being in love is what can make or break great sex.
I know I've wondered what it would be like with other women, but I love my fiance so much, that I wouldn't dare be that bold as to cheat on her just to satisfy a stupid curiosity.
I think when you are in love you can reach an emotional high during sex that you cannot achieve with someone you are not in love with. Intense emotional feelings shared between two people can take sex to an entirely new level.

I have to agree with that statement. So yes, sex is much better when you are love. It does help when you are still in lust with your partner too.
I'm getting married to the woman who was my first, so I honestly can't say whether or not being in love is what can make or break great sex.
I know I've wondered what it would be like with other women, but I love my fiance so much, that I wouldn't dare be that bold as to cheat on her just to satisfy a stupid curiosity.

But was she your second? jk Seriously I think that is beautiful, especially in this day and age. I envy you as far as that situation.
It is best when you have been drinking Hennessy.

Srsly though, it's best when your drunk. I can't remember the last time I had sex sober and I wouldn't want it any other way.
being in love means you are much more open to new things. Plus I feel she honestly wants to make me feel good, and the same with me to her.Also we have a choice: Do we fuck? Or do we make love? There is a big difference. We like to mix it up :D

I agree.

Yeah this is a little while back.
1 nite stands or sex with fine ass lookin hookers is the best as long as you wear a couple jimmy hats