Is Sarah Jessica Parket Hot Or Not?

  • HELL NO! She's ugly!

    Votes: 95 66.0%
  • I suppose... she's just O.K.?

    Votes: 33 22.9%
  • HELL YES! I'd bang it!

    Votes: 16 11.1%

  • Total voters
That is a lot of of airbrushing. God bless Photoshop.


Retired Mod
Bronze Member
I think she is okay. She is smart and funny and so she would make a nice date


Lost at Birth
just like with most of the "mainstream" celebrities, i think there's plenty of porn/centerfold girls on freeone's that blow her and the other celebrities away in the looks dept for my tastes. i'm not going to say she's ugly cos she isn't, but she wouldn't make my top 100, then again, a lot of the mainstream celebs wouldn't. also i'm pretty sure she doesn't give a shit if she makes my top 100 so no harm no foul.

the only person who can answer if she's hot or not is you, as beauty is in the eye of the beholder.


Re: Is Sarah Jessica Parket Hot?

As Bill the cat used to say . . "ACKKkkk ! " :pukey:

However, I was checkin' out Dana Perino on the tubesky today and . . . :yummie: :yesyes: milf!!!
No tellin what she'd look like tomorrow though . . . damn women! :p
Her somewhat "hotness" ended around the time the Sex and the City TV show ended. She is closing in on fifty and time has definitely taken its toll.
I used to think she was a bit hot, but seeing recent pictures... Not so much any more. She isn't hideous, but I wouldn't call her hot.
if she came up to me, and said she wanted to fuck me. i would let her. she is pretty. she isn't hot, but she isn't ugly. yes southpark was really good at making fun of her but who cares. they make fun of everyone. sjp has a fit body, she has nice tits and a decent face. has anyone seen the sex and the city tv episodes? she looks good in them. she wears sexy clothes. besides, when the lights go off, who cares what she looks like. lol