is SANDRA SHINE doing hardcore

I found this
I'm neither sure wheter this really is Sandra nor if this is a true hardcore set.
Does anyone of you have any hardcore links/pics? :helpme:


She did hardcore (BJ and actual sex) with her man in a video. Portions and maybe some vidcaps are in her thread.

She also has her own "welcome" thread here in the Talk area. You could ask her there yourself!
interesting :D
I've seen her in one hardcore scene, it was a webpage with a few clips of it. I'd gladly show it to you if I could ever find it again...


Closed Account
Damned if I know, but that guy in the second pic (one on the bed) needs to call me. Love a man thats not shy. lol


Closed Account
Sandra's hair is brunette. She is still up in the air about h/c. (Thankfully).

On for a very low fee you get access to 3 sites. There is so much to download it will take you weeks, unless you have something big in your, um, hard drive. What is there is really worth it.

Let's see, how shall I put this? 1 month's supply of cigarettes, 4 hours work at a basic wage, buys you subscription to an enormous store of drop dead gorgeous women you likely have been drooling over for the past few months.
Yeah, as far as I recall, she did the bg thing with her boyfriend. I think she also did a scene recently for members only, though I have not seen it.


Closed Account
Sandra posted an April Fool's joke in 2008 about a DP scene on her forum. Or 2007.

In that scene the OP posted in 2006 she just watches the others have sex. The most she does is hold the guy's cock, or take it into her mouth.

It is a picture set and a video.

It is doubtful Sandra would do h/c, as to her it is like opening Pandora's box nowadays. It is just so wild.

If she isn't into it, she isn't into doing it.

Having said that, there are some very sexy g/g videos and pictures on her 4 sites.