I do it because it bothers the fuck out of you, Sam. In all honesty, that is the truth. You act like such a little cunt when someone does not like you, it is rather comedic.
Fortunately, I know your true life is worth absolutely nothing. You are a very lonely, insignificant man. A man whose life has meant nothing, and will mean nothing when you die, alone. A life whose has touched no one else, a soul unable to interact with those you encounter in real life, let alone the cyber world. Combined with you being part of the fading race of angry white guys, your insignificance grows. Even your pictures show a sad, lonely, decaying life -
You Might be posing with the cycle booth babes, but they will pose with anyone. Otherwise, there is no interaction with you and others, who look upon you with complete indifference. And these you consider to be the photographic highlights of your life.
So, you attempt to compensate by being the destructive wannabe that you are. Because of the pure insignificance of your life, you at first tried flooding the board with inane threads and comments, to bring attention to yourself. Unfortunately for yourself, it only highlighted your insignificance and worthlessness. Of course, your ego tried to tell you that everyone loved you - your classic melt down when you found that Andronicus' "Cool story, bro'" was meant to demean you, and not to celebrate was a joy for the rest of us to watch. And so you became the classic troll, intent on destroying the board, intent on running those who can actually coherently convey their thoughts off the board.
And, of course, you have taken full credit for the rule changes. Here is a twist for you, though: It was not done for you, it was done for everyone else. It was not done so that we could see your spamming, your trolling, your insignificance. It was done so the rest of us could consistently remind you that you are, indeed, and insignificant little cunt - without repercussions. The rules were done in spite of you, not for you. While the rules were still being enforced, you were one of the biggest bitches when someone crossed you. You acted as the immature, mentally unstable cunt in which you are. And when you were banned (twice) instead of those you marked as your enemy, you cried even harder. Even as the rules changed and those changes became more apparent, you continued to cry that the big boys were picking on you, with no allies but will. No, the changes were not done for you - they were done because of you and to spite you.
Fortunately, the life of a troll is a short one, virtually and in reality. Eventually, the board will have rules again, and you will be a casualty, one not missed, but chuckled at for years in the same breath as the likes of baconsalt. Your real life ticks away quickly, as well, as anger eats away at a person's soul and slowly kills them. And once you are put in the ground, no one will miss you, your insignificant life becoming an insignificant statistic.