My first post here..
This is definetly one of the best forums I've read. I was looking for info on dating & chicks, and this forum covered alot of what I wanted to know.
So thanks to everone for this excellent forum.
I wanted your opinion on this:
She is 16 years old.
When she was 11/12 she started giving oral to men, when she was 15 she was even after a married man in his 40s.
Also while being 15 she had oral sex with her dads cousin who was 31 and an alcoholic
She was going out with a lad who was on drugs she stayed with him for a while, trying for a baby luckily it didnt happen.
She was also cheating on him with her ex boyfriend and having sex with him when she could.
She is now also seeing a lad who has got 2 kids and a missus.
She has had one night stand with people, she has slept with 6 people in total, most of them were older than her, one of the men were 33.
She has also got another date for next week with a guy who she will probably jump straight in with.
She just basically loves any guy that gives her attention and jumps straight into bed with them
She has bi-polar aswell im not sure if that has anything to do with it.