Is Masterbating Good Or Bad?

Is Masterbating Good Or Bad?

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Re: Is Masterbating (sic) Good Or Bad?

Nightfly said: Here we go again... :D

Do a search on "masturbation" please before making a new thread...


I Don't like this, & I Don't believe in this kind of thing. :( :(
x4g63x said:
What's it like? I mean what's the name of the little world in your head? It's funny as a joke, but I think your being an ass.

Masterbation for all, and for all a good wank - Thomas Jefferson

But more importantly; Mandy my man, don't worry about it. All those things you want, they only come with true love. A woman can't be all those things unless you love her, and she love you :lovecoupl. One day you'll wake up and only have eyes for your baby. If your all about looks, then you will always be dissapointed, that's why we have porn. :) Live good, masterbate in moderation, and I'm sure you'll get all you want, more than you could expect, and way more than you can handle, in a very pretty, very sexy, ect ect.

Chuck a duece!
dissapointed, I Alway's did Believe that we could Fight that Feeling. :thefinger but any thanks for the info on the other stuff. :thumbsup:
comanduc said:
I wonder why in the hell did I open this thread? :confused:
you did not open this thread, I Did. :)
mikey5ni said:
It's not just me, Mandy. I've a friend who hates wanking but can't stop himself. The poor guy even has to use a jackhammer to prise his sheets apart every night before he can get into his bed. Then he can't sleep because the sheets are so hard and jagged! :eek: That's no life! And that's only one of many, many horror stories I know of personally on the subject, although I don't pollute myself as you are probably aware.

Fucked if I'M gonna end my days in a state like that!

:sing:No sir-eee, a wank-free life for me. :angels:
well I Think Wanking is Good, & I Like it. :) :thefinger
jod0565 said:
I like this one - has the ingredients of a good thread - back and forth banter with lotsa laughs thrown in.
I give it 4 out of 5 wanks.
:cool: funny :thumbsup:
:nanner: it's good , cuz sometimes the pussy costs money,

but its only cost the feelings :banana: :rubbel:

( sorry for any error in my language )
mikey5ni said:
Really and truly I've never had a wank in all my life - never. :rofl: It's a disgusting practice and should be stamped out immediately! :rubbel:

To all of you who indulge in this malodorous activity I say "For shame! For shame! Stop it at once, before it's too late!" You WILL go blind and then it'll not be just your hand that's seriously fucked! :banana:

I don't see a problem with masterbation as long as it's done at the appropiate times and places. lol :banana:
x4g63x said:
What's it like? I mean what's the name of the little world in your head? It's funny as a joke, but I think your being an ass.

Masterbation for all, and for all a good wank - Thomas Jefferson

But more importantly; Mandy my man, don't worry about it. All those things you want, they only come with true love. A woman can't be all those things unless you love her, and she love you :lovecoupl. One day you'll wake up and only have eyes for your baby. If your all about looks, then you will always be dissapointed, that's why we have porn. :) Live good, masterbate in moderation, and I'm sure you'll get all you want, more than you could expect, and way more than you can handle, in a very pretty, very sexy, ect ect.

Chuck a duece!

It WAS only a joke, chief!
some guy said:

I don't see a problem with masterbation as long as it's done at the appropiate times and places. lol :banana:

Yo Mandy,

I'm sorry you took me seriously - I was only having a little banter with you. No offence meant, old chap.
Bye now. :wave2:
Re: Is Masturbation Good Or Bad?

Gentlemen, as long as it is mutual AND does not become self-abuse, there is no harm in masturbation.

And of course, and this is of great importance, as long as the multi-syllabic word is spelled correctly, it seems like an activity that limited to performing 5-6 times a day, can only serve to help keep you in your proper place.

However, I have never seen the subject discussed with such publicness among such gentlemen ... It really drives me into circles!

And often, I know what I am talking about, Lisa Lucie
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a lot - so does my woman. she likes to watch me and she loves to masturbate too. it is part of our enjoyment of sex.
BNF said:
Ladies and Gentlemen,

We have a new spammer.
Do I Really Spam that Much? :confused:
Obiwan1 said:
a lot - so does my woman. she likes to watch me and she loves to masturbate too. it is part of our enjoyment of sex.
:cool: :thumbsup: :)
lol,i like that adress whit :the warning signs of teen masturbation :""ROCK" MUSIC: Does your child listen to "Rock And Roll" music? If a teenager has rebelled against God far enough to listen to the Devil's music, then he or she has almost certainly rebelled enough to try masturbation."lol,,i listen "rock and roll" music but i'am not to blame couse i masturbate,blame Bruce Dickinson couse make me horny :rofl: ,blame Angus Young hi sound so sexy :D ,i am not to blame ,why do you think that members of rock band have long hair and they are make up???to think they are woman :rofl:
i don't think is bad to masurbate,but i prefer to do it whit asistence of a woman hand or mouth or.... :hatsoff:


Mandy4Ever said:
Do I Really Spam that Much? :confused:

By my count, 120 posts in c30 hrs is spam. Really, even your post asking me (or someone) that was followed by another post within the same minute.... and that's just in this thread. Back to the topic........
Can't see anything wrong with masterbation.

The hormones released when I have a wank have solved my insomnia!!!

A good wank at bedtime and I sleep all night :) No wank and I can't sleep.

How do I tell my doctor about my solution??

My late wife used to encourage me to wank if I couldn't sleep, so now that I am alone I don't feel guilty about wanking :)