Is Lil Wayne a murderer?

Weezy F Baby please say the muthafuckin...

Love this rapper. Who cares? It's today's hip-hop. Screw Russell Simmons and his moralistic bullshit.


what the fuck you lookin at?
Well he's a piece of shit and his so called "music" is complete shit! Of course the same could be said for any rapper! It's fucking pointless garbled crap that doesn't make any sense at all!

I'll never understand how people make money with that dog shit?:dunno:
Well he's a piece of shit and his so called "music" is complete shit! Of course the same could be said for any rapper! It's fucking pointless garbled crap that doesn't make any sense at all!

I'll never understand how people make money with that dog shit?:dunno:

Yea I am 100% with you. Rap can go fucking die, Give me the old Metal music and classical rock. He's did a poor job writing lyrics, and who really cares if he is rich. Dont even get me started on that lol, one of my all time favorite Bassists/singer/song writer with worth 2 Billion NOT Million like your poor excuse for a musician, BILLION, and for the people who dont know who I'm talking about its Sr. Paul McCartney of the Beatles.


what the fuck you lookin at?
Phil Anselmo Ex. Pantera Vocalist would take any of these so called wanna be gangters. Old Phil not the new burnt out Phil.

Exactly :thumbsup:
that and his music made sense!
You guys need to check out Buc Fifty or SonDoobie. They're my two faves at the moment; they would level lil wayne in MC'n. Oh, La the Darkman is ill too. :cool:

dick van cock

Closed Account
They only legally convict people considered "sane". Hence, qua definitione (*), a rapper simply cannot be a murderer...

(*) = by definition... getting cautious over foreign lean words...


Closed Account
WTF is up with his I Feel Like Dying track???

Very popular rapper. He's a rich ass man. But this track has some message.

he's addicted to marijuana?

I am curious. Has this issue been a matter of well know controversy or did you just want to come on here and say he's a murderer for the sake of saying it? You started the thread with -0- information. Finally added the lyrics of where you say you were getting your thoughts from, then again nothing, no more information. :dunno: Are you the only one that has had this "revelation" or is this a big subject in the rap world? Sorry, but in order for you to get a good discussion from a topic, even murder accusations, its better with a little information for people to lead off of. Just IMO of course.



what the fuck you lookin at?
Lol. I don't think anyone cares enough for any type of resolution.

Your right, I don't! If he was a murder he'd have been locked up by now...well maybe not! O.J. Simpson anyone?:ak47:
Guilty as sin of double homicide and simply walked! If you have enough money, you truly can get away with murder! So maybe the wayne guy is a murder, just bough his way out of it? :dunno:

Eh who gives a fuck?