is it gay if you get excited by a shemale?

I have two answers.

1) There might be a case for fucking one, but getting excited by one doesn't make you gay. A man that gets excited by a woman that isn't his wife isn't an adulterer. Straight girls that get turned on by watching girl/girl porn (and I know a few) aren't lesbians. There's a difference between fantasy and acting on it.

2) Why the fuck should you care if it's "gay" or not?

I say it is what it is, whats a name or label?

What she said. If something turns you on, go with it. What turns you on turns you on, don't worry about whatever labels other people want to put on it. If they feel compelled to label it "gay" for you, that's only a couple of rungs down the ladder from judging. And people that place judgement on other peoples' orientation are wankers.

I'd totally let her suck my cock, and drop my load on her tits, and I couldn't care less how "gay" it makes me. As yes, while biologically speaking a pre-op trans girl is a man, I will always refer to her as "she" because that's how she self-identifies, and I respect the TS/TG community and the battle they have to be accepted by small-minded people.

Don't worry about what other people think about what you're into. It's all OXO, as long as nobody gets hurt.

Well, unless you're into that, of course. :dominatrix:


Proud member of FreeOnes Hall Of Fame. Retired to
I say it is what it is, whats a name or label? I think its only gay if its in the classic sense actual guy on guy. Honestly at the end of the day does it matter, if a tranny was giving you a head job and you never reached up the skirt could you tell she was a he? It your mind that makes it what ever you want it to be, not society. Never could figure out why a guy could bang a girl in the ass with no problem but when it comes to a guy banging a guy everyone wants to get all worked up over it? Its just good of fashion American Homophobia as best!!

Oh, it doesn't matter? YES IT DOES! GUYS HAVE DICKS. WOMEN DON'T. If I, or anyone else, were in an intimate situation, we assume that the gender of that other person is being honestly portrayed. A lesbian woman in a business suit with a mans haircut is no better represented. "Oh, you couldn't tell that I was a woman?" No, sorry sweetheart. Hit the bricks. I expected a man and got you. You women know what it's like being sold a line of shit from a man saying that he's a banker later to discover that he runs a cash register. If you personally don't care what is between the legs, good for you and enjoy. Don't expect everyone else should do the same thing.


Closed Account
It's kinda gay. But who cares? As Mr_Stiffy observes, most who look at chicks-with-dicks porn are probably rarely going to act on it (e.g. hire a shemale escort and "let nature take its course"). And if you don't act on it, then the whole labeling business is merely academic. As for said labeling business, I've seen a lot of talk lately -- and not just around here -- that such labeling is somehow bigoted. I'm not sure where this idea comes from. Just check out the reference area of any public library and you'll see that humans have been coming up with labels and categories for all manner of things from time immemorial. It's what we humans do. It's how we make sense of the universe.
If you Google up this question and look for responses from transwomen, it seems the overwhelming majority of men into this genre are closeted gay men with the remainder being bisexual and a small number being straight.

So, you're probably gay or bi. Nothing wrong with that, though you're better off posting in the gay porn section.
People can use whatever excuses they want to try and make their perversions sound less dirty and acceptable, some being more of a closet homosexual, but having a man who wear women clothing doesn't make those kind of men any more women than woman wearing man's clothes becoming a man. This is closer a form of homosexuality with subgenre to more feminime looking men... If you like dicks, then you aren't straight man at least for sure. One question would be what people who like shemales think about originally normal women who use lot of steroids (possibly body building) and end up looking ugly as fuck and manly with in some cases their clitoris grown bigger than average penis size of men? They at least still have real pussy even if they look masculine? There is separate shemale forum sub-section so you might want to join them for their answers...

As for said labeling business, I've seen a lot of talk lately -- and not just around here -- that such labeling is somehow bigoted. I'm not sure where this idea comes from.

It's because it's unnecessary to stamp your opinions on somebody elses sexuality. It's context. It's people feeling the need to point the finger and say "GAY!" People don't need others to point out how gay they think their kinks are, and shouldn't care. It's bordering on condemnation, rather than shrugging and saying "live and let live".....

People can use whatever excuses they want to try and make their perversions sound less dirty and acceptable,

..... it's the implications that any kind of sexual proclivity that deviates from traditional hetero might not be "acceptable." Fuck that.
It's because it's unnecessary to stamp your opinions on somebody elses sexuality. It's context. It's people feeling the need to point the finger and say "GAY!" People don't need others to point out how gay they think their kinks are, and shouldn't care. It's bordering on condemnation, rather than shrugging and saying "live and let live".....

..... it's the implications that any kind of sexual proclivity that deviates from traditional hetero might not be "acceptable." Fuck that.

It sounds like you're the one with the problem, not anyone else.

Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
This thread is so laptop dissolved into a pile of glitter.


Closed Account
Mr_Stiffy, there have to be objective measures of evaluating various things in life. Like, say, sexual orientation. If it makes you feel queasy to acknowledge this fact, go right ahead. But it doesn't change reality. Moreover, unless someone is employing such distinctions as a way to legitimately harm someone (i.e. physical abuse and/or damage to career advancement or university admissions) whom they find to be "icky," then I could care less. "Haters gonna hate," to use a shopworn phrase. Also, in my life, I've encountered my fair share of individuals that partake in "alternative lifestyles" who tend to get rather ticked at those who aren't as enamored with their lifestyle choices as they are. Which is another way of saying that everyone can find stuff to get pissy about. Fundamentally, I'm not a big fan of coercion, meaning I'm not a big fan of those who try to force me to see things their way, nor am I a big fan of trying to force others to see things my way.

Maggie Green

Official Checked Star Member
I think we get too caught up with, straight, bi...the truth is that there are many shades of gray when it comes to human sexuality. It's ok to like things that fall outside of what you consider yourself to be sexually. I say stop trying to define what you are and enjoy it..if you like watching porn with TS women, then enjoy it. Life is too short!


Lord Dipstick
We have a resident expert on this very matter.

Please redirect all your questions on this topic to M12 or Vanilla whatshisface..



Official Checked Star Member
Oh, it doesn't matter? YES IT DOES! GUYS HAVE DICKS. WOMEN DON'T. If I, or anyone else, were in an intimate situation, we assume that the gender of that other person is being honestly portrayed. A lesbian woman in a business suit with a mans haircut is no better represented. "Oh, you couldn't tell that I was a woman?" No, sorry sweetheart. Hit the bricks. I expected a man and got you. You women know what it's like being sold a line of shit from a man saying that he's a banker later to discover that he runs a cash register. If you personally don't care what is between the legs, good for you and enjoy. Don't expect everyone else should do the same thing.

Oh, it doesn't matter? YES IT DOES! GUYS HAVE DICKS. WOMEN DON'T. If I, or anyone else, were in an intimate situation, we assume that the gender of that other person is being honestly portrayed. A lesbian woman in a business suit with a mans haircut is no better represented. "Oh, you couldn't tell that I was a woman?" No, sorry sweetheart. Hit the bricks. I expected a man and got you. You women know what it's like being sold a line of shit from a man saying that he's a banker later to discover that he runs a cash register. If you personally don't care what is between the legs, good for you and enjoy. Don't expect everyone else should do the same thing.

Honestly speaking up until a couple decades ago the word GAY had nothing to do with homosexuality this my underling point labels are labels, words are words, and what matter matter to who! Guy asked a simple question is it gay or not and and I was just trying keep it positive and encourage exploring what ever suits his fancy!! While you might insist "YES IT DOES" it might for you but it doesn't for me and that my friend is what matter most to me!! To insinuate that I am speaking for all "Don't expect everyone else should do the same thing" I don't recall me ever saying I was speaking for others, guess next time I will make sure I place in the I M H O in my post to clarify that I am only speaking for myself !!!


Pucker Up Butter Cup.
No, I'm talking about "women" with big dicks swinging between their legs. Or on the flip side just because they have a nub nestled on their hormonally shrunken testicles doesn't make them any less of a man.

Just cause you wanna justify fucking a man, your dick, get it covered in shit all you want.



Proud member of FreeOnes Hall Of Fame. Retired to
Honestly speaking up until a couple decades ago the word GAY had nothing to do with homosexuality this my underling point labels are labels, words are words, and what matter matter to who! Guy asked a simple question is it gay or not and and I was just trying keep it positive and encourage exploring what ever suits his fancy!! While you might insist "YES IT DOES" it might for you but it doesn't for me and that my friend is what matter most to me!! To insinuate that I am speaking for all "Don't expect everyone else should do the same thing" I don't recall me ever saying I was speaking for others, guess next time I will make sure I place in the I M H O in my post to clarify that I am only speaking for myself !!!

There's a lot of stuff that is cut and dry. Men have dicks and women have vaginas. Its only gay if its in the classic sense of actual guy on guy? You put a dress on a guy and he is still a guy. Same sex couples making love is homosexual. If you don't like the word gay then pick one out suits you to make the distinction. This isn't homophobia, I don't care what people do in their bedrooms, it's none of my business. Everybody deserves love. But when you suggest that there shouldn't be any difference between homosexual activity and heterosexual activity and all love is the same, then you're just not coming to grips with the basic realities of human sexuality. There is and will always be a difference.

These so called She-Male porn being filmed is 99.9 % gay men with a boob job.

Think about it, how do these companies filming porn find all of these She-Males willing to film a scene?

I work in an adult bookstore and looking at the jackets of these films at work you can tell these are guys.

If offended, then that is your problem but really think about it.