Lost at Birth
I simplified the equation for you, Lust.
i like simple, brother! i love you, man!
I simplified the equation for you, Lust.
Cohabitation + A Prenup = ~*Marital Bliss*~
In my personal life, to go against Lust, I don't suspect any of my RL friends who cohabited first before marriage are unhappy now in marriage. I suspect half of my marriage-first friends are unhappy. :dunno:
Well I guess I will find out. My fiancé and I just got engaged about a month ago but have been living together for two years.
I've lived with my ol lady for the past 4 years. We're still not married. I don't wanna spend a ton of money on some bullshit wedding, that and we don't have it to spend anyway. She wants some fancy ass wedding. She grates my nerves but then again she is a woman so I wouldn't expect any less.
Well I guess I will find out. My fiancé and I just got engaged about a month ago but have been living together for two years.
You should move in together first. There is no better way to really get to know someone then to live with them.
Statistically though this is not what leads to lasting marriages.This may seem counter-intuitive but it's true overall.You can't of course go from the general to the specific.
Perhaps those who get married without cohabiting first are those who have no doubts about their relationship.
yeah its kind of funny. this thread has become rather interesting to me when you look at the poll numbers. despite the fact that every study, research and statistic done on marriage over the last 35 years by professional organizations, doctors, statiticians and sociologists say that living together before marriage has an average of 75% higher rate of divorce than those who dont live together first, we still go with our gut instincts lol.
seriously i dont understand it. my gut, my brain my whole body tells me its better to live together first. but scientific data clearly states otherwise with overwhelming facts. its not even close. its like that roman superbowl where it was Lions 234/Plebians 0. yet here we are refusing to accept the Plebs lost lol. oh well, what the hell does science know about love anyway? we are hopeless romantics and science be damned!
Well thats really cause the issues werent iron out before they got married, Likely ignored also woman suffer from this grand illusion that they can CHANGE men. To which I would reply: Can men change you?
The marriage thing also is a case of well more so in the past.....Shit we are married now I guess I'll put up with this weird shit I didnt know about or annoying habits to make the marriage work.