I've been in a few car accidents over the years, so my back is not very good. I swear, chiropractors have saved me multiple times when my back has gone out. Like anything else, there are excellent ones and terrible ones - so try to get referrals or do some checking to find a well-regarded one - having an unqualified person doing spinal adjustments is dangerous as all hell.
If you go to a chiropractor that's talking about how you'll need to see them weekly forever, run don't walk to the exit. A good chiropractor should be able to take care of even bad problems in a handful of sessions. For maintenance, yoga and massage are good suggestions, as well as doing stretching and abdominal exercises on an ongoing basis.
Besides the "back-cracking" type adjustments, which I find rather frightening, there are chiropractors that have a different approach involving an odd wooden hammer-ish tool. I thought it was some weird voodoo thing when this middle-aged, rather petite woman chiropractor started doing all these measurements of my legs and back, but then she clacked away at exactly the right spot without my telling her where it was and my back started feeling looser from the moment I walked out after just one session.
If you go to a chiropractor that's talking about how you'll need to see them weekly forever, run don't walk to the exit. A good chiropractor should be able to take care of even bad problems in a handful of sessions. For maintenance, yoga and massage are good suggestions, as well as doing stretching and abdominal exercises on an ongoing basis.
Besides the "back-cracking" type adjustments, which I find rather frightening, there are chiropractors that have a different approach involving an odd wooden hammer-ish tool. I thought it was some weird voodoo thing when this middle-aged, rather petite woman chiropractor started doing all these measurements of my legs and back, but then she clacked away at exactly the right spot without my telling her where it was and my back started feeling looser from the moment I walked out after just one session.