Is chiropractic worth it?

I've been in a few car accidents over the years, so my back is not very good. I swear, chiropractors have saved me multiple times when my back has gone out. Like anything else, there are excellent ones and terrible ones - so try to get referrals or do some checking to find a well-regarded one - having an unqualified person doing spinal adjustments is dangerous as all hell.

If you go to a chiropractor that's talking about how you'll need to see them weekly forever, run don't walk to the exit. A good chiropractor should be able to take care of even bad problems in a handful of sessions. For maintenance, yoga and massage are good suggestions, as well as doing stretching and abdominal exercises on an ongoing basis.

Besides the "back-cracking" type adjustments, which I find rather frightening, there are chiropractors that have a different approach involving an odd wooden hammer-ish tool. I thought it was some weird voodoo thing when this middle-aged, rather petite woman chiropractor started doing all these measurements of my legs and back, but then she clacked away at exactly the right spot without my telling her where it was and my back started feeling looser from the moment I walked out after just one session.
2 of my friends became convinced that the person they were seeing was tweaking their back worse, because an occasional issue became chronic shortly after their visits. I feel they were being paranoid myself. I've never needed one, I keep everything as strong as I can in the gym and have never had any issues.
i have lived with back pain after lifting a car out of a ditch thirty years ago and consider myself an amateur expert on the subject.;)

chiropractic can be good and at the price, it is worth it. but you probably will continue to have problems from time to time. if cost is a burden, then no way should you do it. yoga can be just as effective. learn the details about your back. gather as much credible advice as you can. don't do activities that make you more susceptible to injury. stretching and percocet help.:2 cents:
It depends on what chiropractor you go to because I have been to ones that make me feel better and make me feel worse.. Try to go to one that focuses on sports related pain they are usual better at adjusting whatever is bothering you
I had a sharp pain in the lower left side of my back today. It subsided quickly, but briefly it messed me up.

Will E Worm

It depends on who you go to.

It's difficult, but not impossible to find a good chiropractor.

If they are good, you will not have to see them for long before you're healed.
I'm seeing a guy now for a 'C6 compression/degeneration' (arthritis) that feels like a pinched nerve. I've been to chiros before, and believe in the practice, but there doesn't seem to be any uniform way to figure out what kind you'll get. Some are whack 'em and crack 'ems, some are more into yogo/eastern manipulation....

The ones that practice e-stim are generally a good bet that they are trying to do kung fu on your ass.

Surgery and pharma are not natural, and as a result, your body will fight they should always be the last resort.

That being said, I'm more than a little put off by chiros attempts to maintain legitimacy/ straddle the line between patient health and being a for-profit industry.

No matter where you go, just wait for the 'qualifier' statements. Its not enough to just explain the CNS and spinal alignment (it makes sense to any adult), however, no matter who you go to, you'll always get fed some line of gibberish BS ('one leg is longer than the other'....'Your arms aren't long enough, causing bad posture'....'This X-ray shows _____") that is meant to induce personal dissatisfaction in the consumer, leading them to seek homeostasis through the only means of correction.....chiropractic sessions.

I believe in the practice, but the salesmenship is a little ridiculous
I'm from Davenport, IA, where chiropractic care was invented by Dr. Palmer and Palmer Chiropractic College is still there. I've worked for a few different companies where I worked along side people with DC degree who were doing totally different career work.

Dr. Palmer was pretty much a nut and even spent time in prision for fraud and practicing medicine without a license. He did involve himself with starting up a broadcast business, WOC-AM (the second commercial radio station in the U.S. [after KDKA-AM] the first radio job for former President Ronald Reagan was at WOC; which i believed was the only job he ever got fired from), and WOC-TV 5, now KWQC-TV 6. WOC stands for Wonders Of Chiropractic.

I would say there are some good chiropractors and many that are not good. I group chiropratic care to be closer to massage therapy than medical care.

That's just my opinion.
as far as i understand stretching & exercising properly is the long lasting and effective way to go for back issues, what chiropractors do is effective but not long's one of those things you gotta keep doing...rather like stretching i suppose except one costs substantially less over time