Is California a "failed state?"

Take a look at where government funding and money is going towards. How many illegals are getting it either free living, medically, or imprisoned.

Frankly I think if they do something about the illegals there they will see a lot of money staying and being able to go somewhere else useful. I know, I know, I can hear it now about the illegal debate/diatribe responses.

Interesting debate currently... How did California go from the land of milk and honey to broke in 1 generation? Can Cali dig itself out of the crater with some tough decisions that must be made? Is this a warning for the US as a whole?

Please read the article and share your thoughts.

Unfortunately for California, which is really a beaut of a state by the way, they're doing just exactly what Reagan warned against: overspending and charging the debt to the next generation. Well, the next generation is here and things were somewhat steadied by 25+ years of a growing economy; however, the spending kept increasing and the debt kept rolling. In the last several years, they knew they were skating on thin ice, but this recession really caught them off-guard with an already astronomical debt. Regardless of whether they dig themselves out or not, there will definitely need to be heavy cuts to the budget. A warning to the US as a whole? Well, after a one year $1.4 trillion deficit, I'd call that a big yes.
I am a native Californian. Our problem is that a generation ago we were what's called a high tax-high service state. That means that we had higher taxes than most other states did but we had world class schools and universities, parks and infrastructure.

In the late 70s we entered into a state of permanent tax revolt and have tried to be a low tax-high service state, which leads to big deficits.

There are political problems also. We have an unusual political system where our state constitution can be amended by a simple majority so if 51% of voters in a year with low voter turnout vote that taxes should be cut it half, we can do it and then it's the legislature's job to come up with a budget.

I think California needs to be split into three states at least. We get the shit end of the stick on the federal level because we have 50 million people and only 2 senators, whereas north and south dakota have together have 1.5 million people and 2 senators.
A guy in the article says the same thing as me, that California gets shafted. We get 79 cents in federal spending for every dollar in taxes we pay to the federal government to subsidize rural states (where people always complain about us and our liberal ways). That's why California is in deep shit. The same reason that half the homeland security money goes to Lincoln, Nebraska even though terrorists have shown they're more likely to attack major metropolitan areas.


Hiliary 2020
I'd say its getting to that point.
huge GOV there, huge spending just too maintain it.
plus there are alot of people there that contribute nothing, but take alot, about 20 billion a year.
a boat that has a capacity of 10 will sink with 11 right?


It can all be summed up in "Proposition 13"!!!

hardly ! What are your numbers ?

That's only the stuff that actually gets reported. Meet Hien Tranh This clown with his falsified degree are going to cost this state billions of dollars in revenue, all at a time when we're already in econ peril ! for khrist sake could you salt the wound any more ?

They guy gets to keep his job too, fucker ! :ak47:
I think the righties have a somewhat clever M.O. First, they adored the Governator, and for the most part, he acted as a conservative governor. Later, when people start noticing how the state is collapsing, the righties say he wasn't a true conservative, that he was acting like a "liberal Dem" and THAT is why the state is collapsing. They call him a "RINO" and such.

So, Repubs actually work to destroy states and governments, but liberals get stuck with the blame for it. Handy!
I think the righties have a somewhat clever M.O. First, they adored the Governator, and for the most part, he acted as a conservative governor. Later, when people start noticing how the state is collapsing, the righties say he wasn't a true conservative, that he was acting like a "liberal Dem" and THAT is why the state is collapsing. They call him a "RINO" and such.

So, Repubs actually work to destroy states and governments, but liberals get stuck with the blame for it. Handy!

You can't just blame this on him, Calif's problems have gone back several previous administrations. The problem seems to be the pay-as-you-go mentality and lack of vision.
LOL @ the morons who voted for Schwarzenegger who promised them to fix Califonias problems :rofl:
I knew that the usual suspects would try and politicize this issue to be "right vs. left."

The fact remains: California is in a shambles and the rest of the US isn't far behind.

Without your ideological blinders, what caused it? Why did this happen to what used to be the World's 6th largest economy? What can we lean from this objectively to keep it from happening on a US or even global scale?


what caused it?
√ Many many things as you know, but as a state, we're not taking in the generous tax revenues that we use to, if you drive around Silicon Valley, all of the tech firms have disappered (offshored) and as a result, thousands and thousands are now working at a fraction of what they used to earn, if they're lucky enough to have a job !

√ California has the highest percentage per capita of welfare dependents.. yall come ! :thefinger

√ Ultra radical environmental constraints built on false theories not science are destroying business prospects in this state, particularly in the field of agriculture. The states water supply is now in the hands of the radicals, many of which think that it's wrong and against nature for mankind to have built artificial man made lakes.... :rolleyes:

√ The cal state prison inmate population is bursting with a 35 - 42 % illegal alien population, thank you flimsy weakling republicunts !

√ Our hospitals are not collecting on their accts receivables :rolleyes:
As you know, a hospital may not turn away patients under the law, citizen in good standing or otherwise.

I wasn't particularly a fan of Governor Pete Wilson but he did leave
Sac-o-tomatoes (Sacramento) with a hefty revenue surplus, look it up.

All in all, is there any wonder why the majority of The People are identifying themselves as political independent lately ?
One problem is because of the way the Constitution is rigged to favor smaller states, California is the most under represented, per capita, state in the Federal Government of all the States in the Union.
I think the righties have a somewhat clever M.O. First, they adored the Governator, and for the most part, he acted as a conservative governor. Later, when people start noticing how the state is collapsing, the righties say he wasn't a true conservative, that he was acting like a "liberal Dem" and THAT is why the state is collapsing. They call him a "RINO" and such.

So, Repubs actually work to destroy states and governments, but liberals get stuck with the blame for it. Handy!
This is exactly correct. The Repubs want to tear down the Federal Gov't first and then work on tearing down state gov't second. Repubs want Medieval-style Castle/Corporation Gov't. You are "protected" if you live under the Corporate arms, behind a gated community, safely hidden from everything...

√ The cal state prison inmate population is bursting with a 35 - 42 % illegal alien population, thank you flimsy weakling republicunts !
Do you have a stat to back that up from a non-Fox News affiliated website? I have heard the entire system is stretched to overcapacity by 30% but you're insinuating that 4 out of 10 inmates are "illegal aliens." I don't believe that and you need to retract this statement or back it up :hatsoff:

√ Our hospitals are not collecting on their accts receivables :rolleyes:
As you know, a hospital may not turn away patients under the law, citizen in good standing or otherwise.
You've never heard of Collection Agencies have you? They work fine. You're also not precise. Emergency Rooms are legally obligated to treat everyone who walks through their doors. It's not "hospitals" generally, because some hospitals actually have been caught dropping off patients on street corners who can't pay. The "system" is set up so that if you don't have money, you go to the Emergency Room. That needs to be changed, but changed in ways you're probably not willing "to go there" but, in reality, people want it.:dunno: People don't want to file for bankruptcy or be hounded by Collection Agencies because the Hospital sends a person a $30,000 bill after Insurance has written DENIED on the you get that?

One problem is because of the way the Constitution is rigged to favor smaller states, California is the most under represented, per capita, state in the Federal Government of all the States in the Union.
Yes, exactly. The Constitution no longer represents the needs and "reality" of a Union of 350million people. How many "Americans" were there in 1776? Probably 100,000? Maybe 200,000? The Senate, specifically, is an out-of-date cabal which clogs Democracy and ensures politicians of both political slants have never-ending jobs. The SCOTUS needs term limits too.

California's mess can be centered completely on Prop 13. When that was passed, the state began to spiral downward into the shitter that it presently is.

California's taxes need to increase but with the way it's become a Prop13-based pump/dump Real Estate driven really will never rebound.

The only sensible California Governor candidate is Gavin Newsome, of San Francisco, and he's presently being run out of state politics...:dunno:

The state wants to wallow in it's own misery, basically....


what the fuck you lookin at?
Well, california is in a failed country so yea!