Ok, so I watched this movie, and all I have to say is that it sucks balls. You see the trailer and you see the crappy CGI and you think "Hey, this might be one of those movies that is so bad it's good!"
But its not. This movie just blows. Sure, the firs few times you see the eagles, it is funny as hell, but after the sixth time they are attacked by a group of six eagles that seem to be following them across California, it gets really annoying. It is ninety minutes long and it is somehow the longest movie of all time. Maybe its because it takes them thirty minutes to introduce the eagles, which they do with no warning. I'm serious. Out of nowhere, there is just a bunch of eagles attacking everything when the two main characters wake up. And the weird thing is we see countless eagles dive-bombing houses and cars and blowing them up, but they just can't seem to blow up the motel or the car that the main characters are in.
And also, while the characters are on the run, they decide to have a fucking picnic. At a picnic table. Overlooking a beach filled with people that apparently didn't get the memo that eagles are fucking killing everything.