I don't get turned on by anal porn, had a not so good experience with an old girlfriend a few years ago.
I don't get turned on by anal porn, had a not so good experience with an old girlfriend a few years ago.
FYI, the book which that quote came from can now be previewed with Google Books."[Anal intercourse continues as a prevalent sexual practice in both homosexual and heterosexual populations.] Studies report that up to 43% of adult women have participated in anal intercourse... The incidence of acute sexually transmitted rectal and gastrointestinal syndromes is increasing."
Carpentier said the dismantling of comprehensive sex education programs in the public schools is to blame for teen ignorance about the hazards of anal sex. And it is unrealistic to expect doctors to talk to teens about this touchy topic.
"There is an unrecognized stalemate when it comes to female anal sexuality," Hardy said. "Doctors do not ask, patients do not tell and educators gloss over. This stalemate has contributed to the dearth of information on female anal sexuality and could contribute to increased risk for undectected anal sexually transmitted infections and anal cancer."
Hardy also believes society needs to change the way it views anal sex. At the moment, she said, "the anus is a abject, not even worthy of objectifying."
Added Hardy, "The anus eludes study because it is banished to a 'black hole' of irrational denial. With the exception of language by or about the gay male population, the culture does not speak about the anus openly; we either joke or become hushed."
I can't reach a point where I'm "getting" turned off by something that never turned me on in the first place.
[B][URL="https://www.freeones.com/vicky-vette said:Vicky Vette[/URL][/B], post: 2924586, member: 99191"]Next time try some coffee when you are experimenting with your anal.......
Some COFFEE & ANAL in these clips![]()
[B][URL="https://www.freeones.com/vicky-vette said:Vicky Vette[/URL][/B], post: 3155572, member: 99191"]I HATE ANAL! NEVER DO IT!