Surprising results. I had to post this after seeing some typical american arrogance in other posts like the one on canadian oil etc. Pride does come before a fall, Typical american reply is we will bomb or blow you the fuck up etc etc blah blah. I doubt you could take on half the world however I really doubt that would ever happen. Obama got in to clean up your international image. Funded by whoever really controls the US behind the scenes. For the dim witted that would be corporate america, Like most of the west the politics is all a bullshit front.
I enjoy hollywood pumping out the movies on about technological prowess and military power. It is your typical penis wagging if I ever saw it. Half your tech has been developed in partnership with european companies meaning others have your shit too. You only have to look at a stealth bomber to determine that the materials, paint and shape are important. That you got shit on there to lower emissions too.The shape of the vents on the topside and at the back, Kinda ironic its a triangle but we won't go their.
One was shot down over yugoslavia so it be kinda fucking dumb to think the chinese and ruskies haven't cracked that shit long ago. In fact to be brutally honest you don't even know what they have. All this shit about chinese innovation, They make crappy goods that break because they have grasped capitalism in all its glory. They will probably be better at it than us. Welcome to the new chinese century. Fuck they only wrote the book of war and thats some hectic shit. "When able to attack you must appear weak. When weak you must appear strong" yada yada this to me says 'We won't dick wag'
Russians too are highly capable and smart you didn't win a war with them they just went bust cause they raped and pillaged instead of co-operation, As free trade with europe and its old colonies in africa in terms of raw resources won the day not american might. Communism too without its incentive system fucked them as well. But once they overcome their corruption even under their dictator putin who is old school KGB. Not a friend of the west, They will grow stronger again due to all those lovely natural gas reserves and will likely penis wag alongside you in the aeronautical industry, I look forward to seeing some russian planes that can kick our asses.
Anyway thats my american venting down. Let the flaming commence.
Surprising results. I had to post this after seeing some typical american arrogance in other posts like the one on canadian oil etc. Pride does come before a fall, Typical american reply is we will bomb or blow you the fuck up etc etc blah blah. I doubt you could take on half the world however I really doubt that would ever happen. Obama got in to clean up your international image. Funded by whoever really controls the US behind the scenes. For the dim witted that would be corporate america, Like most of the west the politics is all a bullshit front.
I enjoy hollywood pumping out the movies on about technological prowess and military power. It is your typical penis wagging if I ever saw it. Half your tech has been developed in partnership with european companies meaning others have your shit too. You only have to look at a stealth bomber to determine that the materials, paint and shape are important. That you got shit on there to lower emissions too.The shape of the vents on the topside and at the back, Kinda ironic its a triangle but we won't go their.
One was shot down over yugoslavia so it be kinda fucking dumb to think the chinese and ruskies haven't cracked that shit long ago. In fact to be brutally honest you don't even know what they have. All this shit about chinese innovation, They make crappy goods that break because they have grasped capitalism in all its glory. They will probably be better at it than us. Welcome to the new chinese century. Fuck they only wrote the book of war and thats some hectic shit. "When able to attack you must appear weak. When weak you must appear strong" yada yada this to me says 'We won't dick wag'
Russians too are highly capable and smart you didn't win a war with them they just went bust cause they raped and pillaged instead of co-operation, As free trade with europe and its old colonies in africa in terms of raw resources won the day not american might. Communism too without its incentive system fucked them as well. But once they overcome their corruption even under their dictator putin who is old school KGB. Not a friend of the west, They will grow stronger again due to all those lovely natural gas reserves and will likely penis wag alongside you in the aeronautical industry, I look forward to seeing some russian planes that can kick our asses.
Anyway thats my american venting down. Let the flaming commence.