Irina - AKA: Codi, Daria, Ella, Emily, Felicita, Ira E, Ira Romanova, Irene, Irini, Kelsey, Kelsie, Little Hellcat, Masha, Nikki, Paola Denise, Rameil

Re: Little Codi from Little Hellcat

I luv Codi_Kelsey_Irina_Emily_Reyna_Sara_Lil-Hellcat and whatever other of her names I'm missing. :lovecoupl
The one issue I do have with her tho' is that all her B/G stuff is with the one loser guy...prolly her b/f. :bawling:

Connor Macleod

Staff member
Re: Little Codi from Little Hellcat

I luv Codi_Kelsey_Irina_Emily_Reyna_Sara_Lil-Hellcat and whatever other of her names I'm missing. :lovecoupl
The one issue I do have with her tho' is that all her B/G stuff is with the one loser guy...prolly her b/f. :bawling:

AKA: Codi, Daria, Emily, Ira, Irene, Irina, Irini, Kelsie, Kelsey, Masha, Nikki, Paola-Denise, Ramiel, Reyna, Sara
Re: Codi / Little Hellcat / Kelsey

would be so good if she took on more than 1 cock some time. a nice, hard threesome or even gangbang with her would be the ticket. at least another dude some time, seems she only ever fucks the same guy... what a hot babe she is though.