Iraq Uncensored

so, let me get this strait, freedom is for those who already have it? those who do not have it, tough shit to them? America intervened because the world community (UN) refused to take actions for there own resolutions, we stopped the spread of communism, and the best way to find terrorist is through democracy. and granted french, and germany would be no sweat off my back if germany had succeded, but remember, the more land you get, the more resources, before long germany would have been able to hit America, we were just fortunate that the Japanese came in

when they did, it was a favor actually, andbecause of them, we were able to turn the tide of the war. we built a new better fleet, and was able to help England, who is proving to be a great ally.

Jean Villenouv from "The Patriot"(starring mel gibson) had a great line

"Your sense of freedom is as pale as your skin"(origenally done because a slave was in the militia with them)

so it goes back to the point, we have freedom, and are rich, and for that the other nations hate us, so damnit i know! letws go back to the stone age and live in mud houses! Yea, then the world will love us as they are taken over by tyrants and communist and are forced to join the army! Damn,m that a freaking brillian plan, i don't know why the pussies who are cowards and are prejudice haven't thought of this before!

and bush is hitler? im sorry, i don't see propaganda being don, perhaps you have heard of Krystal Nacht(sp) or knight of the broken glass, where the war on jews started, now Hitler killed 6 million jews, and bush has saved over 50 million people inthe middle east, wow, they are so much alike! America could have voted bush it, but 3 and a half million people said "four more years!" all of us little idiot red states saved our asses from kerry, the one who would let the french win(didn't we send the cub scouts pover there to stop an uprising???) kerry wanted 2 nations who was in the pockets of saddam hussain to be close allies in the opperation! your freaking nuts dousche bags, i mean seriously, we have missles in Iraq that were made by the French! and sold to saddam, some allies, good ol oil for food program!
Xaqnderjack, you elitist stuck up dousche, so let me guess, because Red states have common sense and understand what it takes to win a war, and arent going to let those who died under clintons reign( the cole and other bombings) go unpunished? lets face it, when they know they can't fuck with america, they won't, we will hunt them down into there spider holes and take em out, its basic

Lets use this analogy, which would you rather have, a F-22 Raptor(top of the line military aircraft) or a sopwith camel(a WW I aircraft) now, whihc would you rather have? my guess is the f-22 raptor to defend your cowardly asses, would you really fuck with a nation who is known not to take shit? or one that will take it and do nothing about it? bunch of blue state pussies, you are welcome for not speaking german, or russian, or any other language besides English. it makes me sick, you people who want the freedoms, but aren't willing to do what it takes to keep them, its disgusting, in iraq the per capita income has doubled! since America has been there. yep, America is pure evil, letting people live a richer life.


pornman123 said:
so, let me get this strait, freedom is for those who already have it? those who do not have it, tough shit to them? America intervened because the world community (UN) refused to take actions for there own resolutions, we stopped the spread of communism, and the best way to find terrorist is through democracy. and granted french, and germany would be no sweat off my back if germany had succeded, but remember, the more land you get, the more resources, before long germany would have been able to hit America, we were just fortunate that the Japanese came in

when they did, it was a favor actually, andbecause of them, we were able to turn the tide of the war. we built a new better fleet, and was able to help England, who is proving to be a great ally.

Jean Villenouv from "The Patriot"(starring mel gibson) had a great line

"Your sense of freedom is as pale as your skin"(origenally done because a slave was in the militia with them)

so it goes back to the point, we have freedom, and are rich, and for that the other nations hate us, so damnit i know! letws go back to the stone age and live in mud houses! Yea, then the world will love us as they are taken over by tyrants and communist and are forced to join the army! Damn,m that a freaking brillian plan, i don't know why the pussies who are cowards and are prejudice haven't thought of this before!

and bush is hitler? im sorry, i don't see propaganda being don, perhaps you have heard of Krystal Nacht(sp) or knight of the broken glass, where the war on jews started, now Hitler killed 6 million jews, and bush has saved over 50 million people inthe middle east, wow, they are so much alike! America could have voted bush it, but 3 and a half million people said "four more years!" all of us little idiot red states saved our asses from kerry, the one who would let the french win(didn't we send the cub scouts pover there to stop an uprising???) kerry wanted 2 nations who was in the pockets of saddam hussain to be close allies in the opperation! your freaking nuts dousche bags, i mean seriously, we have missles in Iraq that were made by the French! and sold to saddam, some allies, good ol oil for food program!

Well, I definitely agree that Hitler is NOT Bush.

In terms of WW2. No way GErmany could have matter what. Nazi Germany was apparently no where near getting an A bomb. And once the U.S. had it...that was that. Germany would be toast - maybe literally.

And I do not agree that most of the world hates the U.S. because of freedom and riches. Look at opinion polls done of those in the middle east. They don't hate America for that. THey hate America because it is always trying to impose it's will on them. And because they keep backing Israel. Not because they are rich and free. Canada is almost as rich and just as free as the U.S.. And they don't hate us. The same with europeon countries and Japan. But you don't see Al Queda threatening Tokyo.
If the U.S. leaves the world alone (except when the world as a majority asks for their help), I guarantee you the people of the world will stop trying to blow up the U.S..
At least, that is my opinion.


pornman123 said:
and bush has saved over 50 million people inthe middle east

How has he saved 50 million people? It's twisted comments like this that are the true testament to why Bush got re-elected.

pornman123 said:
because Red states have common sense and understand what it takes to win a war, and arent going to let those who died under clintons reign( the cole and other bombings) go unpunished?

Have you ever heard the term two wrongs don't make a right? So let me get this straight, to make sure that "those who died under clintons reign" don't go unpunised were going to get even more americans killed? Yeah that makes sense, sacrifice more lives so that we can get revenge. It's idiotic thoughts like this that get innocent people killed!
yep, America is pure evil, letting people live a richer life.

America isn't pure evil. there is nothing in the world that is pure evil and the sooner the us-government understands it, the better it will be for the world.
The things that make America seem evil is their thought, that peace can be achieved by fields of blood, that freedom can be kept by armed forces but the result of a war cannot be freedom or peace, the only result of a war is death to thousands of people.
Kant said, that (excuse my translation, I don't know the right words in English) every man is worth living because of his mind and the prosperity it is. I think that he was right and I also think that those who do not live the way America does deserve their own way of living, aswell.
You cannot change the mind of a people by killing their children and you cannot change a country itself by bombing it over and over again. But what you can do, is bring peace to other countries by showing how peace is kept in your country.

Isolationism used to be a good thing as long as it lasted and it seems to me that it will be a good thing in the future again because, as I already said, you can only change things that don't seem right, by showing how they are done right.

and to mcrocket."Liberate tute me ex inferis" is actually my sig and it was not part of my statement. It means as much as "save yourselves from hell"
brino, so mass graves don't count in Iraq? those people weren't innocent? or what about the people in the World Trade Center? those people had to be guilty huh! that's it, guilty, America is guilty of being what exactly??? and the reason 3000 Americans were murdered was because clinton didn't flex a little muscle, ifhe had, who knows, the WTC would still be stanindg, lets face it, in a bar fight, you don't pick a fight with a freaking250 lb boby builder when your a 100 lb small fry would you? and 2 wrong don't make a right, im glad you udnerstand that. allow me to explain something very basic to understand

Weakness invites enemies.

sounds simple enough don't you think? America Should not be at war, but because of some past presidents ineptness, we are at war. Clinton showed weakness, and we are paying the price for it. You think we can walk up to the taliban offer them a hug, and say "be my buddy" as they detonate themselves to take you out? We are after all, attacked

and its "hitler and bush are the same person" that skewes peoples minds, however mine is accurate, we saved 50 million people from tyrants, so therefore my statement was acurate

and MC rocket, have you forgotten? we give billions of dollars to the world, we do research for other countries, on diseases, what more does the wrold want from us? and as for germany not being close tot he a-bomb, go read up on history, they had heavy water(which is H3O) an added hydrogen molucule, within a year they would have had the A-bomb had the war not ended.

and lastly isolanisism was a god thing, it kept america safe, but after pearl harbor happened, we can never go back to that way of thinking.

blackjack, that quote is taken out of context, seriously, that is how the left manupulates the public. Perhyaps if you re-read what i said, as it was in response to those who have shown a dislike for what it takes to stay free

Lets use this analogy, which would you rather have, a F-22 Raptor(top of the line military aircraft) or a sopwith camel(a WW I aircraft) now, whihc would you rather have? my guess is the f-22 raptor to defend your cowardly asses, would you really fuck with a nation who is known not to take shit? or one that will take it and do nothing about it? bunch of blue state pussies, you are welcome for not speaking german, or russian, or any other language besides English. it makes me sick, you people who want the freedoms, but aren't willing to do what it takes to keep them, its disgusting, in iraq the per capita income has doubled! since America has been there. yep, America is pure evil, letting people live a richer life.
Weakness invites enemies.

and what exactly was weak about America before 9/11? the fact that they didn't bomb third-world-countries? I'm sorry but that doesn't make any sense at all. Strength is not shown by military power, strength is shown by not having to show military power at all.


pornman123 said:
brino, so mass graves don't count in Iraq? those people weren't innocent? or what about the people in the World Trade Center? those people had to be guilty huh! that's it, guilty, America is guilty of being what exactly??? and the reason 3000 Americans were murdered was because clinton didn't flex a little muscle, ifhe had, who knows, the WTC would still be stanindg, lets face it, in a bar fight, you don't pick a fight with a freaking250 lb boby builder when your a 100 lb small fry would you? and 2 wrong don't make a right, im glad you udnerstand that. allow me to explain something very basic to understand

Weakness invites enemies.

sounds simple enough don't you think? America Should not be at war, but because of some past presidents ineptness, we are at war. Clinton showed weakness, and we are paying the price for it. You think we can walk up to the taliban offer them a hug, and say "be my buddy" as they detonate themselves to take you out? We are after all, attacked[/B]

And how many Iraqis do you think are dead now because of the American invasion? Now instead of being killed by Saddam their killed by Americans.

And don't give me that weakness invites enemies crap it's a load of bullshit! The first thing you do when you go to jail is pick out the biggest a baddest mofo in the joint and kick his ass to show your dominance. The U.S. was and still is the most powerful nation in the world. We were the most powerful nation in the world 4 years ago and we still got attacked. The only way to deal with these people is to leave them alone. How about instead of spending money on bombs to kill civilians we spend money on securing our borders and ports? The best offense is a good defense. :2 cents:
hm I have to disagree on that one brino. I don't think, that the best offense is a good defense. The best way to "win" a war is not having to fight a war at all.
There's people dying, they're literally slaughtered and I'm not saying that it's only the Iraqi but also the Americans.

What do you guys think will our children ask us? We asked our grandfathers how they could murder thousands of men or simply letting other people murder thousands of men. What will we answer, if our children ask us why we didn't intervene when we saw a people dying, saw children starving, saw our whole goddamn planet being on the brink of death and instead of doing something useful we spend vast amounts of money on killing each other and not on helping each other?
Think about that because I don't have an answer...
I haven't had a chance to read through everything, but let me put my thoughts on what I've read:

1) I'm well-aware that Iraq had little or nothing to do with 9/11. That's not why we went in. We went in because pretty much every intelligence group in the world (including our own) said Hussain had WMDs. Also, we knew that Iraq was harboring and training terrorists.
2) The whole purpose of this war and every upcoming war is to try to eliminate terrorism. We are trying to free the people of these countries so they are not ruled by terrorist regimes so when new groups appear, the countries can stop them.
3) No offense to anyone outside the US, but fuck the UN and fuck the world opinion. Any president who doesn't do something just becuase the world might disagree with him gets no respect from me. We are doing this for our safety. We know if we can create a world were terrorist groups are held in check by their own countries, we won't have to fear another 9/11 happening again.
4) Why do you think the UN didn't support this war? Does the phrase "oil for food" mean anything to you?


MightyKrendall said:
and fuck the world opinion
...Everybody, listen up, this is why the world hates America. I think everyone needs to read the lyrics to the Anti-Flag song. The song is called "Anatomy of your Enemy"

10 easy steps to create an enemy and start a war:
Listen closely because we will all see this weapon used in our lives.
It can be used on a society of the most ignorant to the most highly educated.
We need to see their tactics as a weapon against humanity and not as truth.

First step: create the enemy. Sometimes this will be done for you.

Second step: be sure the enemy you have chosen is nothing like you.
Find obvious differences like race, language, religion, dietary habits
fashion. Emphasize that their soldiers are not doing a job,
they are heartless murderers who enjoy killing!

Third step: Once these differences are established continue to reinforce them
with all disseminated information.

Fourth step: Have the media broadcast only the ruling party's information
this can be done through state run media.
Remember, in times of conflict all for-profit media repeats the ruling party's information.
Therefore all for-profit media becomes state-run.

Fifth step: show this enemy in actions that seem strange, militant, or different.
Always portray the enemy as non-human, evil, a killing machine.


Sixth step: Eliminate opposition to the ruling party.
Create an "Us versus Them" mentality. Leave no room for opinions in between.
One that does not support all actions of the ruling party should be considered a traitor.

Seventh step: Use nationalistic and/or religious symbols and rhetoric to define all actions.
This can be achieved by slogans such as "freedom loving people versus those who hate freedom."
This can also be achieved by the use of flags.

Eighth step: Align all actions with the dominant deity.
It is very effective to use terms like, "It is god's will" or "god bless our nation."

Ninth step: Design propaganda to show that your soldiers
have feelings, hopes, families, and loved ones.
Make it clear that your soldiers are doing a duty; they do not want or like to kill.

Tenth step: Create and atmosphere of fear, and instability
and then offer the ruling party as the only solutions to comfort the public's fears.
Remembering the fear of the unknown is always the strongest fear.

[Chorus (repeat)]

We are not countries. We are not nations. We are not religions.
We are not gods. We are not weapons. We are not ammunition. We are not killers.
We will NOT be tools.

Mother fuckers
I will not die
I will not kill
I will not be your slave
I will not fight your battle
I will not die on your battlefield
I will not fight for your wealth
I am not a fighter
I am a human being!

That doesn't sound anything like what America is doing does it. Also I think it is funny that people who frequent a porn site are pro-Bush. Just hilarious.
100 years from now no one will give a shit.

that might just be the most senseless statement I've ever heard. Sorry to say so, but before speaking, next time, you ought to consider thinking!


pornman123 said:
and MC rocket, have you forgotten? we give billions of dollars to the world, we do research for other countries, on diseases, what more does the wrold want from us? and as for germany not being close tot he a-bomb, go read up on history, they had heavy water(which is H3O) an added hydrogen molucule, within a year they would have had the A-bomb had the war not ended.

What nuclear physicists are you quoting that said that Germany was a year away from the atomic bomb? Every one I have heard on the subject stated that Germany was years away from testing a bomb. And that Heavy Water was not the best way to develop a bomb.

Lets use this analogy, which would you rather have, a F-22 Raptor(top of the line military aircraft) or a sopwith camel(a WW I aircraft) now, whihc would you rather have? my guess is the f-22 raptor to defend your cowardly asses, would you really fuck with a nation who is known not to take shit? or one that will take it and do nothing about it? bunch of blue state pussies, you are welcome for not speaking german, or russian, or any other language besides English. it makes me sick, you people who want the freedoms, but aren't willing to do what it takes to keep them, its disgusting, in iraq the per capita income has doubled! since America has been there. yep, America is pure evil, letting people live a richer life.

So you are willing to do what it takes to keep the freedoms? Then I assume you are either in the military. Or you will be joinging the military very soon.

I was just wondering. How many people (American's and Iraqi's) would have to die in Iraq before this quest for wealth would no longer be worth it in your eyes? 5,000? 10,000? 100,000? What is the figure?

I get the impression that you are one of the more dangerous persons in the world. Someone who has a little knowledge. Thinks they know all they need to know about everything they feel passionate about. And is too arrogant to look objectivly at a particular situation. That sounds alot like Bush to me. Well, that explains your loyalty.

I am afraid that as long as your arrogance clouds your judgement, then you are rather useless to a growing, evolving society. If not actually harmful.
Well, You Might change one day.
Blackjack said:
that might just be the most senseless statement I've ever heard. Sorry to say so, but before speaking, next time, you ought to consider thinking!
Ok how about this. Let me think???????
Ok I think the meat on a pigs ass is pork.
You all can bitch all you want. I don't see any of you making a difference.


hinddee29 said:
Ok how about this. Let me think???????
Ok I think the meat on a pigs ass is pork.
You all can bitch all you want. I don't see any of you making a difference.

I cannot speak for others. But I am making a difference by NOT killing innocent civilians - along with insurgents.

To defend one's country against direct attack is a noble profession. Absolutely. But to go to another country and kill other human beings just becuase someone tells you to? That is not noble at all. Not to me.
I call that a little trained minion. Brainwashed by the government to believe that killing for one's country is always righteous.

And please do not tell me about how the US military personnel are their by choice. In a just cause. If Bush ordered a soldier to suddenly kill a child. And the soldier asked why. And the President said, 'none of your business. Follow orders.' The soldier would probably do it. And he/she would simply say they were just doing their job.
That's not nobility. That's...well, I'd rather not say.
Last edited:
You are all right we should pull out of Iraq, and everywhere else.
Get back all the money, weapons, or whatever else we have supplied
other countries, and let them all fend for themselves. Some how I still
think we would be the bad guys if we did that, and everyone would complain we aren't helping anyone.


hinddee29 said:
You are all right we should pull out of Iraq, and everywhere else.
Get back all the money, weapons, or whatever else we have supplied
other countries, and let them all fend for themselves. Some how I still
think we would be the bad guys if we did that, and everyone would complain we aren't helping anyone.

You are probably right. But at least the blood wouldn't be on America's hands. And I bet you things like 9/11 wouldn't happen again on U.S. soil. Hard to believe anyone would go to all that trouble to kill thousands of pacifist's.
But if the U.S. IS going to stay out they have to stay out completely. Only going in under UN mandates. Clinton did it half ass'd. Kosovo was without UN mandate. Either all in or all out. Right now Bush is pretty much all in.
I just want to try the mind-our-own-business-except-under-UN-mandate thingy for a while.
I guarantee you less American's would be dead right now if they had. And look at the US leaders. All are either safe or safe and richer because of Iraq. And the US citizen's (and innocent Iraqi's) pay the price.
Just like wars ALWAYS are. The masses do the leaders dirty work and do almost ALL the suffering.
When will people learn?


I have a simple solution, pull our troops out of the Middle East. The reason Osama Bin Laden is angry with the US is because we couldn't keep our business out of their war. I would like someone to tell me how the US had any right getting involved in the war of Palenstine and Isreal. How can Bush not expect radical Islamic groups to be pissed when he continues to give aide to Isreal. Then for Bush to come out and say "God is on America's side." Are you fucking kidding me, how fucking dumb can a leader be. Why would anybody like us when our leader is saying, God likes me and hates you all. Like was said before, defending your country against attack is noble, attacking another country is just cowardly and sadistic. Democracy does not work for every nation, some nations are not intelligent or responsible enough to have a democratic government. That is for that country to decide, and until a country attacks the US we should fucking lay off. And don't even say that Iraq attacked us on 9/11 because they didn't, government officials have testified to that. Stopping terrorism is necessary, last time I checked though the US still didn't have Osama, the guy involved with 9/11.
This is fucking pathetic. You all (with the exception of a VERY few in this thread) are fucking morons.

You critisize Bush for being stupid, yet let's think of something...

-You watch the heavily liberal biased news, and MAYBE some of you do some online reading. That is the extent of your knowledge on this war.

-Bush, has TONS of people at his aid, to call upon whenever he wants. He has advisors, experts, and specialists in EVERY subject you can think of, INCLUDING, and especially, WAR.

Now let me walk you through this. THIS MAKES YOU LOOK LIKE DOUCHES. What the FUCK do you know about this, compared to this man and those around him? By calling him stupid, and comparing him to hitler (HA!), you are also calling all of these people stupid. How are they stupid?! It's their fucking job to know about this stuff, and Bush gets his info from them. Keep in mind some of them are democrats.

You act like what Bush says goes. WE ARE NOT LIVING IN A DICTATORSHIP. D-E-M-O-C-R-A-C-Y is what we have.

How many of you have said or implied that we are just over there killing people for no reason? Do I need to explain that we are over there to kill TERRORISTS? NOT random people.

Well I'm out. I'll probably read the replies to this thread, but I doubt I will post in it anymore because all I will get is whiney liberal bitches complaining about the things they ALWAYS complain about.

Just think about this before responding with your stupid insults on the president. We (the US) are the greatest superpower in the world. There is no way in hell one man (BUSH) could have waged this war on his own. He had many people backing him up. Many people smarter and better-informed than you. To call all of this countrie's actions STUPID, is to say that the 'brains' of this country is stupid.
And that is just stupid.