Iraq Uncensored


Nice thread Brino.

I have said it before and I will say (type) it again;

the world would be much better off (and wouldn't hate the U.S. so much) if American's stopped budding in all over the world where they are not wanted and trying to ram democracy down everyone's throat.
war in not a pretty picture, but if the united states does not do what it does, half of the other countries in the world not have any freedom. maybe we should have minded our own business when germanytook over most of europe, no body was complaning then. and lets not forget sept 11 they started it, face it with out the united states spending billions of dollars on technoligy and weapons the world would not be as safe as it is right now
yes the truth is sad but some lives most be lost for there freedom. i may not aggee with what going on over there. I just wont my brother to come home safe. you may not have to agree with bush but atlest Suppot our troops cause they are dying for all of us. (Sorry i will get of my soap box now)
i bet are some hot ass women in the military thou.


JerseyRocks said:
war in not a pretty picture, but if the united states does not do what it does, half of the other countries in the world not have any freedom. maybe we should have minded our own business when germanytook over most of europe, no body was complaning then. and lets not forget sept 11 they started it, face it with out the united states spending billions of dollars on technoligy and weapons the world would not be as safe as it is right now

WW2? And Iraq? You are comparing the two? Germany invaded all of Europe and was threatening world domination. America did what it did in Gulf War 1 - threw invaders out of the countries they conquered.
In Iraqi 'Freedom' the USA invaded Iraq against world opinion. In WW2, everyone - except Germany and Japan - wanted them to go and take back Europe. A bit of a difference to say the least.
I still have not seen conclusive evidence that Saddam was the driving force behind 9/11. And the Bush administration itself has said that the main reason to go into Iraq was regime change; not 9/11 aftermath.
I will never go along with a country invading another country just because they don't like the way the other country is running things. Especially if most of the world disagrees with the invasion.

Look. We all want the world to be democratic, right? That all countries let the people decide what governments do. Well over 51% of the world (through the UN and huge demonstrations and opinion polls) clearly stated that they did not want the US to invade Iraq. But it did anyway.
So what the Bush administration is saying is that they are going to force everyone they can - at gun point- to be democratic. Even if most of the free world votes against it. That doesn't sound very democratic to me.

And by the way, are there any other countries that you think the US should conquer in the name of peace and democracy? Let me guess. Iran and North Korea. Any others?
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hey if the united states dont do something who will, it was aperant that 51 % of the world was to scarde to go up against iraq. everyone knows he sponsors terroists.
and in bushs post 9/11 speech he warned everyone that it you harbor terroists you will pay the price. maybe people will start to take him serious now, lets hope so , then we can avoid iran and north korea.


JerseyRocks said:
hey if the united states dont do something who will, it was aperant that 51 % of the world was to scarde to go up against iraq. everyone knows he sponsors terroists.
and in bushs post 9/11 speech he warned everyone that it you harbor terroists you will pay the price. maybe people will start to take him serious now, lets hope so , then we can avoid iran and north korea.

So your justification for disregarding the world's public opinion is that they were too scared? What difference does that make? And what proof do you have that they were scared anyway?
So if I vote for something, but I admit that I am scared that means my vote is invalid?

Besides. I highly doubt that Russia, China, France or Germany was afraid of Saddam's Iraq. Any one of them could take it out with little problem (except Germany - since they don't have nukes - it would take them longer. Or do they have nukes?)


Union Jax said:
No shirt of my back ;)

They werent taking us anyway :tongue:

I assume you are joking. If Hitler wasen't so hard up for the Soviet Union; you would have had (probably) a Nazi flag flying over Buck House.
guys, I don't think that we need to discuss hitler, being an asshole and that everything that could be done to get rid of him should have been done.
But the second world war was a war that had to be fought to free europe and the earth from nazism. the second gulf war is a war that is, like the first world war, a war that is absolutely unnecessary and it is just fought for political reasons.

I'm not trying to be offensive in any way, but comparing these wars is senseless and if you have ever read a book, you know it!
The point is, that the US-government is trying to show their moral superiority in any way possible and since 9/11, they don't know how, because until that day, the USA was a country which seemed to be completely invincible but the symbolic fall of the WTC showed that the USA is NOT invincible. So now they're trying to show their invincibility with armed forces and not with a great education system, an even greater economy or symbolic acts like the landing on the moon.

But I don't think, that this will be like that for a long time, 'cause even G.W.B has had to accept, that he cannot conquer the whole islam without any allies, like Europe is one. Hopefully we will be able to keep this conflict from escalating....


Hey JerseyRocks, how can you be so against Hitler and for Bush. Am I mistaken or aren't they the same person. About 9/11, over half of the terrorists on the planes were from Saudi Arabia, or supposed ally. Bush is doing this for personal revenge, that is all, he could give less of a shit about the Iraqi people. Fuck, Bush doesn't even care about the American people, so why the hell do you think he is going to give a crap about the Iraqis. If all Bush wanted was a regime change he could have had secret OPS go in and kill Sadam. It does not take a war to get a change in leadership. This was a warning to the world. Saying, "hey you all, I am stupid enough and crazy enough to kill eveyone if they don't do as i say." Fuck Bush, Fuck Bush, Fuck him right up his ass. I might not be on this board much more, because I am sure some FBI agent is reading this and the US government is going to take me away and put me in prison. I love my country, which is why I hate to see it ran so poorly by George W. Hitler.
we all live in differant parts of the world and i respect what everyone here has said so far, i happen to live about 10 miles from nyc i watched the trade centers burning from my back yard, i lost friends there and lost friends in these wars that have taken place since then, i guess thats why i support what the country is doing right now. but what i am wondering is i hear so many people bashing bush here in the united states , i cant find 5 people who have 1 nice thing to say about him, how did he win the election again ? seems everyone complaines about him and also votes for him.
XanderJack said:
Hey JerseyRocks, how can you be so against Hitler and for Bush. Am I mistaken or aren't they the same person. About 9/11, over half of the terrorists on the planes were from Saudi Arabia, or supposed ally. Bush is doing this for personal revenge, that is all, he could give less of a shit about the Iraqi people. Fuck, Bush doesn't even care about the American people, so why the hell do you think he is going to give a crap about the Iraqis. If all Bush wanted was a regime change he could have had secret OPS go in and kill Sadam. It does not take a war to get a change in leadership. This was a warning to the world. Saying, "hey you all, I am stupid enough and crazy enough to kill eveyone if they don't do as i say." Fuck Bush, Fuck Bush, Fuck him right up his ass. I might not be on this board much more, because I am sure some FBI agent is reading this and the US government is going to take me away and put me in prison. I love my country, which is why I hate to see it ran so poorly by George W. Hitler.
If your statements are true about not caring for them Iraqi's. How come there
are so many still alive??????? Nothing good comes from the middle east. So who really cares. I think he and we are going a great job. :ak47:
