Iran discussion!

It is hard to believe that a country like Iran has any serious, offensive, military ambitions. The most rational supposition at the moment is that it feels threatened by the presence of US Forces (and others) in Afghanistan and Iraq, and is taking steps to protect its sovereignty. Let us not forget that the US caused considerable instability in Iran during the Cold War, and I imagine the current administration can see history repeating itself.
It has been said above, but countries do enter into a different sphere of significance on an International level once they develop Nuclear technology, and it is not unreasonable to suggest that this world recognition is something they covet.

So yes, Iran's grounds for trying to get the technology aren't necessarily suspicious, and I don't want to believe that Iran wants to use Nuclear weapons. However it is impossible to underestimate the depth of the feeling they hold, that the West is constantly holding them back, and wronging them. We might perceive it to be religious radicalism, but I assure you, they think exactly the same of Americans who seek to use the book of Revelations to dictate foreign policy.

dragonturtle said:
3) Iran doesn't have the rocket technology to hit anything but their neighbors, and without much accuracy at that.
Iran's most immediate target, if it does indeed have a military agenda for its nuclear technology, is likely to be Israel. Given Israel's proximity to Iran (, the danger of them developing nuclear weaponry hardly swings on the missile technology to deploy it.
When (or if) terrorists acquire the nuclear technology, the threat they directly pose to the Western World is not going to be via a missile strike. I think the main fear is that the technology will be used to create a 'dirty bomb' - one that doesn't do a lot of damage, but from which the radioactive fallout will take out a whole city depending on the wind, rendering it unliveable for decades.

dragonturtle said:
4) Whether terrorists could obtain a nuke from them, and whether said terrorists could smuggle it into a western country is debatable.
Governments and Terrorist Organisations are more intrinsically linked than it appears, something that is evidenced merely by the fact that they are able to exist so freely.

dragonturtle said:
5) Many, if not most, Iranians want to have better relations with the West. The government does not.
I think Mr Ahmadinejad has been portrayed in the News to be eccentric and volatile. Whether this is unfair or not, I couldn't say. However criticable you may find Iran's democracy to be, it would be rather odd to suggest that in a country with universal suffrage the current incumbent does not have a large amount of public support behind them.

I agree that Iran's claims have mostly been Propaganda.
However when something so serious as Nuclear Weapons is the topic, it doesn't do to play down the country's claims. I'm sure that if a terrorist organisation had purported to be able to take out entire buildings such as the WTC prior to the 9/11 attacks, their claims would have been rubbished.

And if you're worried about the impartiality of your News, you can always check out internet sites where censoring is almost impossible. At worst you could take the time to read BBC's World Service which is dependably accurate (not that I'm biased or anything ;)), but that really is the tip of the iceberg.

:sleep: ?
Sorry....:2 cents:


Closed Account
All these leaders are corrupt and obsessed with power. They are all crazy in their own way. The average common citizen just wants to live out his/her life in peace, but we do the mistake of electing these "salesmen" to make decisions for invade countries or drop bombs.
I think its important to remember that we dont operate in a vacum, in other words - every country will act in its own percieved national interest, this is nothing new, however, if we are to assume that other countries like Iran will automatically place greater value on our interests rather than their own in any event, due to balance of power principles, we are gravely mistaken. Its a different world, they dont care about our toys and that sits at the core of every persian heart, even the "students" we believe we can coopt with MTV...

They may hate their own regime but these are a prideful people and this nationalism surpasses their internal discontent.
i dont think that any country should develop nuclear weapons. Countries can settle their difference without weapons of mass destruction. I also think that Iran is tottaly hyping up their ambitions and that they wont do sh*t to Israel or any other country or theyll have the international community and especially the US breathing down their backs.
nuclear technology is like a knife. it really depends on how people use it. if nukes will be used for something beneficial then by all means go ahead. but if it will be used for something like eradicating an entire nation, then all the nations should unite and gangbang their leader. :)


Closed Account
There is nothing you can do to stop a person or group of people, short of killing. If someone wants nukes they will get them, even that kid built a reactor, and there is a book on how he did it!

My point is, we may not want Iran to have nukes but what are we going to do nuke them? That is hypocrisy squared. first impression about that word is deadly killing weapon.

so this nuke programme that Iran handling for is for generate the electricity....same reason as NOrth korea.....but I do not think that is not electricity only....there is something fishy about this that US have to dip his hand into....

US called these countries, The Pillar of Evil....but what can US do? start war against Iran? North Korea....looks like try to bring the peace over the world but it will make more chaos.

thanks to all that concern about this matter but this problem is not for Iranians only, but for all humankind....:)
I'd have to agree with everyone that says nuclear weapons shouldn't exsist but the point is that they do exsist and quite a few countries have them!

There is nothing we can do to prevent a country from having nuclear weapons. All we can do is hope they don't use them! The world saw the destruction and devestation that nuclear warheads could cause with Hirushima and Nagasaki in WWII.

Now there are so many nukes in the world, that with all of them, we can erraticate ALL life on this planet several times over!

I believe it's just a matter of time before some jackass decides to start throwing nukes around. When that happens you know big brother U.S.A will be right there to fight back. I'm an american and I hate to say it but I think that the U.S. will cause a nuclear holocost. Simply because we always step in and police the world. We won't start that kind of war but we sure as shit will end it! Just like back in WWII with Japan! Only this time I fear we will take out everyone with us as a direct result from our actions.

Sorry started to ramble...
:thefinger THE TALIBAN!!!:thefinger IRAN:thefinger and IRAQ:thefinger
pool709 said:
Sorry started to ramble...
:thefinger THE TALIBAN!!!:thefinger IRAN:thefinger and IRAQ:thefinger

On the taliban I give you a pass as its a group but I find this remark highly offensive with regards to Iran and Iraq. I am from the middle east and know there are huge majority of hard working, peace loving people in both countries. you dont see me in here saying fck america or fck western europe, I dont carry those sentiments anyway and neither should you!!! :ban:
i guess I did get carried away with the finger thing. I was refering to the people who are against us. I appoligize if I offended you. I shoulda just left it at the taliban who are truely evil people!
I dont think you and I will ever see eye to eye on this matter but I accept your apology... thanks for doing so...:thumbsup:
pool709 said:
I believe it's just a matter of time before some jackass decides to start throwing nukes around. When that happens you know big brother U.S.A will be right there to fight back. I'm an american and I hate to say it but I think that the U.S. will cause a nuclear holocost. Simply because we always step in and police the world. We won't start that kind of war but we sure as shit will end it! Just like back in WWII with Japan! Only this time I fear we will take out everyone with us as a direct result from our actions.

I think I'd find it depressing to have that little faith in humanity. However naively at times that may sound, I couldn't bring myself to believe there would be a war resulting in the destruction of society as we know it.

I hope there are enough people in the world who have read all the literary protractions of such scenarios, and realise how futile such actions would be.
Baal said:
On the taliban I give you a pass as its a group but I find this remark highly offensive with regards to Iran and Iraq. I am from the middle east and know there are huge majority of hard working, peace loving people in both countries. you dont see me in here saying fck america or fck western europe, I dont carry those sentiments anyway and neither should you!!! :ban:
---This is true.There are many good people in the middle east,However the leadership (LEADERSHIP) in Iran has a main goal of wiping Israel off of the map/destroy the state of Israel.I am just an American from California,but I really do not believe that the European and North American Nations will permit Iran to get nuclear weapons considering the stated intent of the Lunatic Leader.Iran should join the global community,but they will not.I am sure that the majority of Iranian people just want to live in peace,but the Leader sounds a lot like Hitler."Mein Kampf" stated a purpose, as does the rhetoric of the Iranian leader.I hope We have learned from the past.I am not jewish,but I think the stated intentions of Iran are very dangerous.The United States will have a new president in 2008.When will the Iranian government have a new leader?--Hopefully soon--I hope they get some moderation with a diplomat president that wants to join the World Economy and improve His Nation.If that does not happen,only the People will suffer,not the Fundamentalist/Radical Government.I Fear that Iran will be dealt with Militarily.-The Western Nations will destroy the nuclear plants with airstrikes--that is sure.--I hope they wise up.--There is a better way.--Peace
ok, my 2 cents

usa dont like iran, because it independency isnt good bussiness for us companies and corporations

i gona make a question, there is one, only ONE terrorist attack in which iran was involved???

if you want to feel fear of a terrorist nuke, should fear for all the crazy guys that the CIA have trained, instead of iran

if more countries have nukes, is better to all, less wars will be, what the american politicians -not the american ppl, or i guess so- dont want is that iran could have a nuke, because they cant pay to another country to make them war, or invade iran, because, well, a nuke is a nuke

about israel, if you nuke you will get nuked, that policy had worked quite nice to keep the world peace in the cold war, so is better if iran have a nuke, to avoid attacks from both sides
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iMpReZa12 said:
hey sup, i havnt been on this forum for a while but i guess there are mature people heare that can talk about something besides porn. So what do u guys or girls think about the current situdation in Iran?

personally im behind American all the way. I think its ridiculous that a country wants a nuclear arm. Theres already over 20,000 nukes in the world. (i think)
plus they obviously want to harm Israel in the future. Discuss...

Why is it ridicolous for a country to want a nuclear arm? Pots and kettles spring to mind.
why should Iran not have nukes or any other country who hasn't already got them if its ok for other countries like America and UK and a whole host of others to have them?
If i was Iranian or whoever i would tell the UN (or America as you think) to p*ss off, one rule for all is the only way. One group of countries telling another group of countries what to do is only making things worse.

Mankinds destiny is written on the wall and it will take a major change in the worlds pyschy to alter the path.:2 cents:
No-One should have Nuclear Bombs, FULL STOP!.

Ask that same Question to the Victim of a Bomb Blast.
What is the Answer?.

Ask that same Question to the Person Starving in Africa.
What is the Answer?.

Ask that same Question to the Child working in a factory for 10p a day.
What is the Answer?.

Ash that same Question to the Homeless Man you pass by everyday.
What is the Answer?.

Ask that same Question to the 7 year-old being Abused at home.
What is the Answer?.

Ask That same Question to the Mother Earth herself.

WAR. what is it all good for?, absolutely nothing!..
all we are saying is, "give PEACE a chance".

Otherwise, it will be FULL STOP!.