Are these so called racists the type of white guy frats that listen to rap and would bang a black girl in no time, yet they will not hesitate to say ****** in a racist situation such as this?
Either way who gives a shit. You really could have put them on the spot in a public venue. Aside from that I take these threads of yours with a grain of salt.
You either are so masochistic and self loathing you surround yourself with racism to justify your feelings towards the big bad racists and to make yourself feel whatever it is you need to feel, or you blow it out of proportion, or find racism where no racism is to be found.
Either way you will receive no sympathy from me. Don't like it. If it happens again, and knowing you from these posts, it surely will by chance here is what you do:
Get up, go tell the manager what happened (of course knowing how racism surrounds you the manager will probably be racist and curt with you) and simply walk away and tell them you will no longer partake in a establishment where racism shows its ugly head.
I see interracial couples all the time and no one gives a shit. What they think is one thing, whatever. What they say is rarely anything.
Then again I live in a part where the black guy could pull out a firearm and shoot you any given moment no matter how little the grievance.