Internet Blamed In Teen Pregnancy Rise...


The secret ingredient? MY BALLS

BEIJING - Nearly half of the pregnant teens in China's financial hub, Shanghai, met their partners on the Internet, state media said on Tuesday.

Zhang Zhengrong, a doctor who oversees the city's first-aid hotline for pregnant teens, said 46 percent of the more than 20,000 teenage girls who called the hotline over the past two years said they had had sex with boys they met on the Internet.

"Most of the fathers disappeared after learning about the pregnancy, and some of the mothers did not even know the fathers' names," the China Daily said.

Zhang blamed the situation on adult Web sites, videos and books and appealed to parents, teachers and society at large to pay more attention to sex education.

A survey by Zhang's hospital found that only 7.9 percent of the parents queried talked to their children about sex, and 79 percent of high school and university students said they got their ideas about sex from the Internet.

Chinese attitudes towards sex have relaxed in recent decades, triggering a boom in extramarital relationships which the ruling Communist Party blames on bourgeois mores imported from the West.

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Closed Account
Internet blamed on nuclear proliferation!

Iran claims that many of its scientists gathered information from internet resources to compile independent databases. An increasing number of Persian physicists is conducting nuclear tests on account of increased access to A-Bomb testing sites on the world wide web.

Tehran estimates that 1 in 3 nuclear scientists met their mentors on atomic dating sites like .

dick van cock, priceless! :glugglug:

I was just about to give an example of internet "blamed in terrorism" but yours is better
A survey by Zhang's hospital found that only 7.9 percent of the parents queried talked to their children about sex,

Maybe that is the bigger problem then the Internet. A poor job is being done preparing the children for reality and the fact choices have consequences.
Now for my :lame: comment of the day.

I am blamed in teen pregnancy rise

Thank You Thank You! No, thank you!

Sorry for that. I've been exposed to Ichi-Chan for too long


Closed Account
With the Internet who has time for sex? J/K

Anywho, they certainly aren't getting pregnant having cybersex. Why can't they just face the fact that the women there are stepping into the 21st? The intimidation of tradition is a thing of the past. Just my thoughts.



what the fuck you lookin at?
What a crock of shit!


It's good to be the king...
I would have thought the Chinese government would be more concerned that when they introduced a "One Child per Family" Policy there was a surge in female infanticide.
The families needed to conceive a son because of their higher earning potential, so to them a girl baby was an economic disaster and that was a strong motive to ensure that girl babies did not survive.

Oh well......:rolleyes:
Personal responsibility?

What's that?